The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Monday, May 19, 2014

"...Don't Congratulate Yourself Too Much..."

I believe one of the greatest songs/speeches I've ever heard is Baz Luhrmann's "Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen."  When I was in eighth grade, I listened to this song every morning before school, and every night before I went to bed.  I found it inspiring and it helped equip me to deal with life's challenges at that time.  The other great thing about this song is that it is relevant to any individual at any given time.  I encourage you to take a listen.  Click on the link below:

I digress.  There's a part in the song where Baz says, "Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either.  Your CHOICES are half chance.  So are everybody else's."  I feel like we are living in an overconfident time in our society.  Granted, having confidence is a good thing and we should strive to be confident, but I believe many of us are "filling ourselves full of hot air" a little too often.  Many of us believe we are invincible.  There are few that believe they are bigger than the earth they stand on.  Let me show you something humbling.  The link below takes you to an app that demonstrates exactly how large our universe is and where we are in comparison.  Take a look:

I don't know about you, but I find this incredibly eye-opening.  It definitely puts things into perspective, showing me just how little of a part I play in the universe.  Let's take note, that the next time we think we're "kind of a big deal," we should remember that we really aren't.  We're humans and we are such a small piece of the bigger picture.  Doesn't mean we shouldn't contribute and make the universe we live in a better place.  It just means we're apart of something, just like everyone else is.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Service in Florida

Exactly two weeks ago, I returned with ten others from a Wartburg College service trip in Florida.  I've been reflecting a lot about my experience with the students these past couple of weeks and felt I should share some of my thoughts.

First and foremost, our trip was spent serving the community of Immakolee, Florida.  Immakolee is located just 45 minutes inland from Naples, Florida.  The drive from Bonita Springs--the community we stayed in--to Immakolee, exhibits night and day differences.  Naples and Bonita Springs are filled with beautiful homes, fancy cars, and a healthy economy, where Immokalee sits occupied, but in poor conditions.  Immokalee has an incredibly high poverty rate as the many citizens who live there work in the fields picking produce throughout the year.

When we arrived, we could definitely see ourselves fulfilling a need.  For a couple of days time, we served at the Guadalupe Center, assisting in the Early Childhood classrooms.  We put up bulletin boards, played with the kids, and assisted where and when needed.  It was fun walking into the classroom a couple of days that week and having the kids run to you shouting, "Mr. TJ!"  For the other part of our stay, we worked with Immokalee's Housing & Family Service organization; an organization striving to provide decent, safe, and affordable rental housing with supportive social and educational services for farm workers and other low-income families.  We worked with one of the main housing complexes called Sanders Pines assisting with gardening, picking-up trash, painting, and installing park benches and picnic tables.  

Overall, it was a busy and hard-working week (one day, I sweat through two complete outfits--disgusting!), but I wouldn't have traded it for the world.  Not only did I really get to know the nine students and one advisor I went with, but I also learned just how important it is to help one another in our own local communities.  Granted, in this instance we were clear across the states assisting a community and developing a partnership, but there are plenty of needs in our own backyards.  We just need to take the time to seek out those opportunities and assist.  

So that's my challenge to you.  Find a time in your schedule to drop what you're doing, reach out, and lend a hand.  It's amazing what you can do in just a short amount of time serving others, and you won't believe how grateful others will feel.  The little things make a HUGE difference.

Holding the sun is a challenge.  :)  This shot was taken on the beach during our last evening in Florida.

Just another shot of that amazing waves-crashing, sunset.