The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 29 - You Know Who's Awesome?! - #8

This guy:

Day 29 - You Know Who's Awesome?!

This here is my Dad (we look lovely don't we? - Christmas 2004).  My Dad adopted me when I was in middle school and I'm so glad that he did.  

Since I first met him, my Dad has been teaching me things.  He taught me how to fish, how to hunt, how to drive a boat, how to respect others (particularly my mom), how to be patient...the list goes on and on.  Seems like every time we get together my Dad is teaching me something.  No joke.  He always has an answer (and a damn good one.  I may not see at first, but I come around, understand, and appreciate his insight).  That's why I respect him so incredibly much.  He's got a big heart and one wise soul.  

All in all, those things he taught me about life, love, and the importance of working your tail off, I plan to share those life lessons with my daughter and pray to God I can be half the father he has been to me.  

I've been holding out on writing this "You Know Who's Awesome?!," because today's my Dad's birthday.  And although I wasn't there to celebrate, I've thought of him on several occasions throughout today.  The key word I want to emphasize in that third paragraph above is "father."  I have been blessed to have two Dads in my life, but only one of them has been a father to me, and that's the man you see in the picture above.  Again, I pray I can be half the man he is throughout my lifetime.

Dad, thank you for your unending support, love, and encouragement.  I think the world of you and know that I believe you're incredibly awesome.  And even though we didn't always see eye-to-eye in the beginning, we do now, more so than you can ever imagine.

Love you Dad, and Happy Birthday!     


  1. Great things said about a great man!

  2. i got chills. also, ava is blessed with a SUPER father.

    1. Thanks Amanda. I miss you... Some days I wonder on the fatherhood's so incredibly challenging, but I love that little girl so much. :)
