The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Adventure...

Tonight was perfect.  As I went for a run, the sun was sneaking behind the clouds off to the west to settle in for the night.  And as I ran with the cool breeze at my back and in the presence of a colorful tie-dyed sky, the following song came on over my iPod:

The Adventure - By Angels and Airwaves

I wanna have the same last dream again
The one where I wake up and I’m alive
Just as the four walls close me within
My eyes are open up with pure sunlight
I’m the first to know
My dearest friends
Even if your hope has burned with time
Anything that is dead shall be re-grown
And your vicious pain, your warning sign
You will be fine

Hey oh here I am
And here we go
Life’s waiting to begin

Any type of love it will be showed
Like every single tree reach for the sky
If you’re gonna fall
I’ll let you know
That I will pick you up
Like you for I
I felt this thing
I can’t replace
When everyone was working for this goal
Where all the children left without a trace
Only to come back as pure as gold
To recite this all

Hey oh here I am
And here we go
Life’s waiting to begin
Hey oh here I am
And here we go
Life’s waiting to begin
Hey oh here I am
And here we go
Life’s waiting to begin

I can not live
I can’t breathe
Unless you do this with me
I can not live
I can’t breathe
Unless you do this with me
I can not live
I can’t breathe
Unless you do this with me
I can not live
I can’t breathe
Unless you do this with me
I can not live
I can’t breathe
Unless you do this with me
I can not live
I can’t breathe
Unless you do this with me

Hey oh, here I am (do this with me)
Here we go
Life’s waiting to begin (do this with me)
Hey oh, here I am (do this with me)
Here we go
Life’s waiting to begin
Life’s waiting to begin

I love this song…because life is an adventure.  “Life’s waiting to begin.”

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sum Up My Personal Philosophy...

Oh my…here’s my first shot at reflecting publicly through Soulpancake:

Life is here.  It’s happening right now.  What are you going to do?

I believe we all have a CHOICE; the choice to take the next step.  We can either choose to fail or succeed.  Granted, failure is on the pathway of success, and if we fail, we have a choice to stand back up and continue onward.

-Everything falls into place.
-Life is short, so why not make the most of it?
-I should contribute while I’m here.
-We all have an opportunity to reach our greatest potential.

We all possess the power to CHOOSE.  And the question is, how will you use your greatest super power?
Find your STRENGTHS.  Make an IMPACT.  Be a HERO.

-It is important to have patience today, because “It you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss [life]”
-All we really truly have is time…and yet “…all you need is love.”

Woah!  This stuff is deep.  And to be honest, I’m not sure if it makes sense.  I’m not sure this is a concrete philosophy, but it’s something at least.  I’ll dig a little deeper with the next topic!  Maybe I’ll finalize it some more.
The world is filled with possibility.  One just has to reach out and take their fair share.

Friday, July 8, 2011

A Thought About Teamwork

If an ant can carry up to 50 times its own weight, then I ought to be able to carry my own. :)