The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Monday, June 23, 2014

"The wealthiest place on the planet is the graveyard..."

"The wealthiest place on the planet is the graveyard.  Because in the graveyard we will find inventions that we we never, ever were exposed to.  Ideas, dreams that never became a reality.  Hopes and aspirations that were never acted upon." ~ Les Brown

I'm going after my dream, to inspire as many people as I can through my speaking and writing.  Long gone are the days where I sit and beat myself up mentally, telling myself that I'm not a good enough.  Long gone are the days when I sit and beat myself up physically, not caring how I take care of myself.  I'm moving forward.

I'm not going to lie, the last few years have been rocky.  I've fought hard to get a job where my talents and skills are utilized.  I've dealt with enemies in person, and in my mind.  It's not been easy.  It's been tough on me and my family, and a lot of what I have gone through has just been beating myself up, day after day.  Well, I've made some changes.  I'm changing my eating habits.  I'm exercising regularly.  I'm reading and listening to things that inspire me.  I'm taking time for me.  And I'm sharing my thoughts with the world.  I'm bouncing back to inspire one, just one individual to live out their ideas, their thoughts, their talents, their goals.  After listening to the quote above, I can no longer accept leaving my ideas, my thoughts, my talents, my goals in the graveyard.  It's time to pour it all out.  And NO ONE is going to get in my way.

"When you die, die on E.  Leave no dream left behind guys.  Leave no opportunity left behind.  When you leave this earth, accomplish every single thing you can accomplish." ~ Eric Thomas

Share your ideas.  Share your dreams, hopes, and aspirations.  Reach for them, and don't let anyone stop you.  "Someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality...don't let nobody steal your dream" (Les Brown).

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Power of Solitude

"Introverts prefer to work independently, and solitude can be a catalyst to innovation...If this is true--if solitude is an important key to creativity--then we might all want to develop a taste for it.  We'd want to teach our kids to work independently.  We'd want to give employees plenty of privacy and autonomy.  Yet increasingly we do just the opposite." ~ Susan Cain, Quiet

"You spend so much time with other people.  You spend so much time trying to get people to like you.  You know other people more than you know yourself.  You've studied them.  You know about them.  You want to hang out like them.  You want to be just like them.  And you know what?  You've invested so much time in them, you don't know who you are.  I challenge you to spend time by yourself." ~Eric Thomas, We are Created to be an Individual

Right now, I'm reading a book called Quiet, by Susan Cain.

It's a book about introverts and their efforts to survive in a world heavily focus on extroversion.  In addition to reading this book, I've been listening to a lot of motivational remixes when I run.  These remixes contain a number of inspirational quotes and speeches that truly give me a "kick" as I move forward on the treadmill.  And today, I spotted these photos captured by Benoit Lapray (source can be found here):




The Flash

Captain America

Iron Man

Wonder Woman

Silver Surfer

I'm beginning to see solitude is a powerful thing.  Imagery displays this.  Lyrics demonstrate this.  Research shows this.  We absolutely need quiet to thrive.  Yet our society seems to believe differently.  Susan Cain describes that our society has shifted from a focus of character to a focus of personality.  We believe our personalities are going to carry us further than our character.  Having learned about this concept, I believe our society's focus from character to personality is causing a lot of troubles in our society today.  Just my opinion.  What do you think?

"I think it's pretty easy to imagine superheroes as lonely.  Because they are different, and they have a big charge on their shoulders, so I guess they need to be alone sometime to recover a kind of serenity and to remember why they fight." Benoit Lapray, Moviepilot

As you ponder this topic of introversion, I refer to Benoit's quote as a piece of reflection.  What are you fighting for?  And I don't mean physically.  What are you striving for?  Have you found serenity in your attempt to "fight"?  What would some personal reflection do for you?  "I challenge you to spend time by yourself" (Thomas).  Remember who you are and what you're fighting for.  Take some quality time to yourself and listen to the voice within.  You'll be amazed at what you find.  Even if introversion is not your strong suit, give it some time.  Help to recreate a culture of character; a culture that focuses more on the ones we care about, rather than just ourselves.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Lessons from Superman - #5

A lot of people ask me why I love Superman so much.  As I've mentioned in my talks, it's because he humbly seeks to do good in the world using the many talents he possesses.  It's something I believe we all should do.  Below is proof from the comics that this is what Superman is all about (and although he says, "I love being me," I see that as a humble confidence.  Something we should all strive to have within us).

"I know it's somewhat immodest to say this, but I love being me!  There's a little ego in that statement, sure--but this isn't about me feeling self-important or better than anybody.  It's about the sheer joy of being able to make a difference in this world.  Of helping people.  Doing the right thing.  Sure, it helps that I'm...what do they like to say?  'More powerful than a locomotive.'  But my true power comes from what my parents taught me: that life lived in compassion, in service to the greater good, is the best of all possible lives."

There you have it.  Wise words from a Superman comic.  The truth is, we can find wisdom in anything.  We just have to look a little harder, dig a little deeper, and find the meaning in things.  In closing, I leave you with one more quote from the Adventures of Superman issue #2.  I often say in my talks that we can all be superheroes.  This quote proves that statement as well.  A man says to Superman:

"The colorful costume, the incredible powers--that's all window dressing!  It's not what you's who you are!  You're the embodiment of the very best in us!  Our inspiration to strive harder and aim higher.  I understand a way I never have before--that we're all...each and every one of us...Superman--if only we'd realize it."

Realize that you are indeed super and you have a worthwhile contribution to our world.  "Up, up, and away" my friends!  :)