The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Day 44 - A Shout Out to...

Day 44 - A Shout Out to...

I want to throw a HUGE shout out to Mitch Matthews, author of the book Ignite: 3 Simple Steps for Re-Sparking Your Buried Dreams and Building a Plan that Finally Works.  I've known Mitch since 2008 and he's someone you should know.  

Mitch is the "BIG Dream" guy.  He goes around the country speaking to individuals and organizations about the importance of dreaming big and going after BIG dreams.  Mitch is one of the best encouragers I know, and one of his goals is to launch 1 million dreams in his lifetime; a goal I know he will reach and surpass.  

On Tuesday, September 30th, Mitch re-released his Ignite book on Kindle in an effort to help even more people get clear on their big dreams and put a plan in place to reach them.  I strongly encourage you to pick his book up.  It's an excellent read and it has some tangible advice and insight on actually putting some steps into motion to achieve your BIG dreams.  

Mitch, congratulations on re-releasing your book and keep up the excellent work pursuing a dream that is incredibly moving and worthwhile!  You rock sir!  "Keep bringing your awesome!"  :)  

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