The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Day 74 - A Post from Awhile Back

Day 74 - A Post from Awhile Back

Here's a post from awhile back.  Lessons from Superman #1.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been reading several Superman comics as of late.  I know several people would consider this to be somewhat childish, but hey, I’m a kid at heart!  :)  The truth is, comics taught me how to read; they taught me how to comprehend.  If it wasn’t for reading comics, I probably wouldn’t have obtained an education.  So I give a lot of credit to comic books and I am thankful that they taught me how to read.  That, and I value the lessons we can learn from superheroes, especially Superman.

As I continue to read Superman comics, I continue to see such valuable lessons we can apply to our everyday lives.  The other day I read Superman issue #700.  Superman returned from a long retreat.  All was well until a citizen approached him and was upset that he was not around to save her husband.  Clark flew to space to reflect on the situation, like he normally does and he recollected a memory from his father, Jonathan Kent.  Mr. Kent once told Clark:

“If you want to grow anything worthwhile, it’s all about the soil.  That’s why you have to rotate the crops from time to time.  Anything that stays in the same soil too long withers and eventually dies.  I think people are the same way.  If we stay too long in the same soil, we start to dry up inside.  Soon, there’s nothing left but the shell, and after a while, even that goes.  If we do the same things, in the same way, over and over, in time, we fall asleep in our own lives.  Until something happens to wake us up.  That’s when, like any living thing, you have to take yourself back where you should be, where you started off before you fell asleep.  You have to rotate back to fertile ground to the soil that nourished you.  Back to the Earth.”

In order to grow, sometimes we have to look back on our roots to become the person we want to be.  Perhaps it is important that we look back on our values and beliefs from time to time, to stay in perspective and to grow into something worthwhile.  “If you want to grow anything worthwhile, it’s all about the soil.”

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