The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Day 77 - Lessons from Superman #10

Day 77 - Lessons from Superman

"Let me ask you a question I recently asked myself: What have you done to make the world a better place?"  ~ Lex Luthor

It's hard to believe that what I am about to post comes from Lex Luthor.  That's right.  A major arch-enemy of Superman.  Recently in the comic book world, Lex Luthor has partnered up with the Justice League to help combat some major problems in the world, even though he's always had quarrels with Superman.  However, in issue #35 of the Justice League, Lex Luthor shares some valuable wisdom regarding our place in the world.  Bear with me, this is a long one, but it's REALLY good and completely applicable to the real world and struggles and potential we all have.

"From the horrific acts of a lone gunman, to the violent wars tearing countries apart, peace is at risk.  Discrimination, disease, terrorism, bullies, pollution, famine...on the playground and on the battleground...natural disasters and man-made weapons of mass destruction...the list we face goes on and on and as human beings we say, 'I'm not Superman or Wonder Woman, what can I possibly do to help?!  And where do I event start?'  As a fellow human being, I ask the same question...I have the answer."  

"YOU START WHEREVER YOU CAN, because no matter how small an act of kindness or generosity or simple positivity you put out into the world, IT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.  And yes, there is a way to make an even bigger impact.  To do that, you have to realize and admit that you can't do everything by yourself.  In a world that cultivates digital narcissistic individuality, you have to let your own ego fall away, BECAUSE THE WORLD IS NOT ABOUT EACH OF US, IT'S ABOUT ALL OF US."

As I read that, I just knew we could all relate to it and take a lesson from Luthor's statement.  

At this time, in the comic book world, Luthor stands with the heroes.  I hope it lasts, but knowing the comic book world, something is bound to change.  Nevertheless, let this be a lesson to us as well: even our enemies can change and contribute.  Perhaps that's why that concept of "forgiveness" is so important.

Another SUPER lesson from the Man of Steel's world.  :)

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