The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 25 - A Day of Remembrance

Day 25 - A Day of Remembrance

It was a sunshiny, fall day.  I had just walked into my musical class and was getting ready for one of our first practices of West Side Story.  We were all sitting around waiting for the bell to ring when suddenly one of our classmates--Jamie Sogard--came bursting into our classroom and announced, "you guys, a plane just crashed into one of the main towers in New York.  The World Trade Center."  We quickly turned on the TV and it was all over the news.  My classmates, my teachers--Mrs. Collins and Mr. Voss--and I just sat in silence with our eyes fixed on the TV.  Not long after, the second plane hit.  With gasps of air and utter shock as the second plane hit, we found our breathe and continued sitting in silence.  

Never have I felt so helpless in my entire life.  The news was paralyzing...unbelievable...and incredibly hurtful.  We didn't do anything in our musical class, and rightfully so.  Next on the agenda was chemistry class.  Mr. Hahn kept the TV off and attempted to move forward teaching his class.  It was no use.  The news kept pouring in through other teachers and students.  Another announcement was made of a plane crashing into the Pentagon.  Then another into a field in Pennsylvania.  The TV was turned back on and several of us sat with our heads on our books, our eyes on the TV, and our arms covering our face.

School was incredibly quiet the rest of the day and it just felt wrong to be doing anything at all.  That night, several members throughout various churches in our community came together at the court house to pray and say a few words in light of the tragedy.  At one point during the remembrance service, I felt a tug on my heart to get up and say a prayer or offer a word...I can't for the life of me remember what I said...I had been at a loss for words the entire day.  It was just one wretched day.  I just prayed for those involved.

9/11.  A day we'll never forget.  Nor should we.  Many innocent lives were lost that day.  May we always remember those we lost and those who fought and continue to fight for our great country.  We hold you in our hearts and prayers, for you are true superheroes...  


  1. Well said words of remembrance. I can't say I remember exactly what you said that night in the court yard, but I do remember being so proud of you for stepping up and saying anything. God Bless America.

    1. Thanks Mom. I couldn't remember either. I just remember saying a prayer...
