The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day 68 - Something Funny - #3

Day 68 - Something Funny

A good friend of mine shared this one with me today on Facebook:

I busted up so hard in my office after seeing this.  The comment I left was:

(Cue Superman Solo) "Do you want to build a snowman?  Batman, let's go and play!  I never see you anymore.  Come out your cave.  It's like you've flown away!  We used to be best buddies.  And now we're not.  I wish you would tell me why.  Do you want to build a snowman?  It doesn't have to be a snowman..."  :)

Came Up Short...But...

I came up short.  Today's November 25, 2014, and I'm over a month behind on my 100-day blog challenge.  You know, there are times when you look ahead at a goal, race, journey...and you think, "Oh, that will be easy."  Well, it's not always easy.  Life hits you sometimes.  It's humbling make come up struggle...  But if you've ever seen Cool Runnings, your mindset could be changed.  Based on a true story, at the end of Cool Runnings, the four Jamaican bobsledders' goal of winning an Olympic medal are dashed when their sled malfunctions and their sled is brought to a halt just yards away from the finish line.  They were on record-winning pace and then...CRASH.

It's the journey that makes it all worth while and once you start, you can't just stop.  You have to cross both the starting line and the finish line.  You "...have to finish the race."

So, that's what I'm going to do.  Except, when you come up short, you have to do what my good friend Bill Cordes always says: "Stop.  Adjust.  And go for it again."  So here's my adjustment: by Christmas morning, I'll have these 33 more blog posts up on the blog completing my 100-day challenge.

Stay tuned and... 

Keep.  Moving.  Forward.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Day 67 - Important Safety Measures

Day 67 - Important Safety Measures

If there is any blog post I think should be shared from my blog, it's this one.  Within the last work week, driving to and from work, I counted 6 cars who were texting and driving.  How could I tell?  Well, they were gradually crossing into other lanes and jerking back into their lane quickly every few seconds.  As I passed by them quickly, they were glancing down every three to five seconds.  I'm pretty sure what they were looking at was a cell phone.    

So, 6 cars in five days.  Multiple that by 52 for the number of weeks in the year.  That's 312 cars on one road, in one year, from one person's perspective.  Multiple that by our nation's population...

98,623,200,000 cars.

This math is definitely a bit ambiguous and there are so many factors not calculated in, but the math is mind-boggling as you do some self-thinking.  The math that isn't ambiguous comes from Department of Transportation (DOT) 2008 report.  In 2007, the nation as a whole lost 47,059 lives due to motor vehicle crashes.  The report goes on to say that the number of fatalities from motor vehicle crashes has remained constant over the past several years, and in 2005, motor vehicle crashes were the leading cause of death (Full Study Here).  And what are the top 3 causes of car accidents in America? says 3). Drunk Driving, 2). Speeding, and 1). Distracted Driving, which includes the use of cell phones.

"Distracted driving continues to be the number one leading cause of car accidents in America...Drivers who use a hand-held device are 4 times more likely to get into a car accident than drivers that pay attention to the road ahead" (Full Article Here).

My advice for important safety measures, make a rule to stay off your cell phone if you're driving.  Am I saying this will prevent you from getting in an accident?  No.  Accidents happen all the time and can be brought on by other drivers.  But by not being on your phone, you're more likely able to react to those situations you cannot control, and are certainly more likely to not cause the accident yourself.  I'm also talking about the simple concept of just talking on your phone too.  That can be distracting.  The next time you're at a red light crossing, count how many cars are talking on their cell phones that go by you.  It's pretty amazing just how distracted we are.

Spread the word.  Tell someone you love that you care about them and want them to keep their cell phone at bay when behind the wheel.  A simple task that just may save your loved one's life.  And if we all tell at least one person we love not to use their cell phone when they're driving, think how many lives we might save?  Just my two cents.  

Save the day.  Put your cell phone away.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Day 66 - Great Lessons Learned

Day 66 - Great Lessons Learned

While attending college, I was fortunate enough to participate and practice Tae Kwon-Do through the Oldest Collegiate Traditional Tae Kwon-Do Program in America, the UNI Tae Kwon-Do Club.  It was there that I earned my 2nd degree Black Belt under Jr. Grand Master Joseph Philip, an 8th Dan instructor and the first non-Asian to named a Grand Master.  When I tell people that I earned my 2nd Dan, I think they are baffled.

"Really?!  But you don't beat up on people."

You're right!  Because that's not what Tae Kwon-Do is all about.  Tae Kwon-Do is a way of life and it is based on the values of courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit.  This 2,500+ year-old martial art form teaches discipline and respect for one's self and others.

When I was in 2nd or 3rd grade, I was a pretty rambunctious kid.  I wasn't well-behaved, didn't concentrate in school very well, and was pretty hard on myself.  I was fortunate to have a mother who recognized this and thought Tae Kwon-Do might be something I would benefit from.  So, she put me in Tae Kwon-Do and I started learning things.  I don't really recall the adjustment that was made, but  my mother always says how much of an impact it had on my upbringing.  I practiced Tae Kwon-Do for about a year, then my mother and I moved to Exira, IA where there were no practicing organizations.

Tae Kwon-Do would find me again in 7th grade.  We had just moved to Eldora, IA and I was struggling to get acquainted with the area.  I had very few friends at the time.  I was overweight for my age and I lacked self-confidence because of my social surroundings (I can honestly say that 7th grade was my worst academic year ever).  However, I was fortunate to have found a Tae Kwon-Do organization in the area that allowed me to practice the martial art form once or twice a week.  Tae Kwon-Do brought me through that year.  I looked forward to practicing on Tuesdays and Saturdays, and was really starting to work my way up.  Not more than a year later, the organization closed.  I was bummed, but I started getting involved in sports, and things took a turn for me socially.  I got connected to some great friends.

Tae Kwon-Do came back into my life once again when I attended UNI.  I became highly involved in the organization, attending tournaments, and working my way up the ranking system.  I can honestly say that I have learned a great deal through the art form throughout my life, but it was my involvement in college that truly impacted me.  

There was always a challenge and a thrill in Tae Kwon-Do.  I was excited and nervous all at the same time throughout practices, testings, and tournaments.  And that's what life is all about.  It's exciting and nerve-racking all at the same time.  As I grow older, I have come to appreciate the symbol within the South Korean flag.  A Yin Yang.  There truly is good and bad in this world.  There's good news and bad news.  There's good times and bad times.  There's good guys and bad guys.  But we learn through both experiences.  We grow from experiencing both the good and bad.  

Even though I have been in and out of the art form throughout my lifetime, I truly believe Tae Kwon-Do has shaped my life in many ways.  Not to brag, but I do carry with me a great deal of courtesy, self-control, and perseverance.  I do think I am compassionate and I show a great deal of respect for others (even when they sometimes don't deserve it).  These characteristics and qualities have made me a loving and hard-working human being and I feel very fortunate to have been connected to the art form.  I have my mother to thank for that.  :)

So there you have it.  These were some great lessons learned.  Check out the UNI Tae Kwon-Do Club at  Our KwanJangNim has promoted 737 Black Belts since starting the organization 45 years ago.  He's one incredible man.  And below, a few pictures of me participating in the organization back in college.


Day 65 - Lessons from Superman #9

Day 65 - Lessons from Superman

There's some major stuff happening in the Superman comics these days.  Doomsday--the villain that killed Superman back in 1992--has come back and battled with Superman in a series called "Superman Doomed."  It's pretty SUPER and it's intense.  Let's just say it's SUPER intense.  :)

I don't mean to give this away, but Superman does defeat Doomsday in this series.  But in the midst of it, Superman becomes infected with a virus that's turning him into Doomsday.  So the people of earth are beginning to fear Superman, and those close to Superman (Lois, Wonder Woman, Batman, etc.) are worried.

Today's Lessons from Superman comes from the 3rd Annual Issue of Superman: Action Comics.  Superman continues to fight the virus, but while doing so saves Lois Lane from the infamous Brainiac, who was essentially mind-controlling Lois (I know what you're thinking.  How do you keep this all straight, TJ?  There's multiple villains, mind controlling, Superman has a cold...what?  How can Superman get a cold?  He's SUPERMAN!)

So let's get to the point.  Lois has been saved by Superman (once again).  As Superman takes flight to avoid harming Lois with the Doomsday virus, Lois shares the following thoughts with Superman telepathically (Superman and Lois were somehow able to communicate with one another by thoughts.  I know, I know...):

"'ve freed me from Brainiac's control...but I still have the telepathic powers he gave me.  So I can feel your fear as the Doomsday virus surges again.  Not for yourself.  Never for yourself.  You're worried well as the seven billion other people who might burn and die if you...listen to me Clark.  And remember this forever, okay?  You are not alone.  You've given us everything you have.  More than we deserve, with all our fear and I'm going to say it again...I don't care about Brainiac or the Doomsday virus or anything else...I believe in you, Clark Kent.  I believe in Superman.  And we're never going to stop fighting by your side.  No matter what happens next." ~ Lois Lane

The point here is this:

No matter what, there's someone out there that's got your back.  A parent, a spouse, a brother, a sister, a friend, an aunt, an uncle, a cousin, a grandparent, a colleague, a teacher, a classmate...someone has your back.  And when you're struggling, they can usually see it.  When you're struggling, allow those that have your back to help you.  Ask for help.  Even the Man of Steel needs help once in awhile.

There's a story about a boy who was trying to lift a heavy boulder.  He couldn't lift the boulder and when his father walked by he asked, "Are you using everything you've got?"  The boy said, "Yes."  The father replied, "No, you're not.  You haven't asked me to help you.  You've got me here to give you some extra strength." 

Don't be afraid to ask for help.  Those that care about you believe in you and are there to help you fly.  Utilize them.  They'll stand next to you and fight by your side, "no matter what happens next."

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 64 - A Challenge

Day 64 - A Challenge

So, "World Hello Day" is on Friday, November 21st, 2014.  I don't know about you, but there are days when I question saying, "hello" to someone in passing.  I make eye contact, but they don't make eye contact back.  I look down and then wonder if I should still say, "hello."  As I pass by, I question myself, "Why didn't you say, 'hello?'  That would have been easy."

It's this constant struggle over something so simple.  So, I'm going to say, "hello" to everyone in passing on Friday.  Regardless if there is a "hello" in return, I'm going to do it.  I challenge you to do the same.  Just greet one another.  Simple, right?  "Hellllllloooo?!" :)

Spread the word.  Celebrate "World Hello Day" by saying, "hello" on Friday, November 21st.

Read more about "World Hello Day" here.

Day 63 - Advertise Something

Day 63 - Advertise Something

For the past few weeks, I've been DJ'ing a morning radio show at the Wartburg College KWAR radio station.  My show is called the "Morning Mentor."  It's a radio show designed to share the stories of individuals who are pursuing their callings.  Most of these individuals are alums, but I plan on having others share their stories as well.

In addition to the vocational story telling, I typically share a weather update, campus events, special days of the year, and a daily dose of positive piece.  On days when I don't have a guest calling in or sharing a recording, I'll usually come up with a variety of inspirational stories and thoughts that can hopefully get people's day off on the right foot.  They tend to be more reflective thoughts in nature.

Now that I have the soundboard figured out, I'm really starting to have fun with this.  I never know who's listening, but the other day, I did receive a phone call from someone stating that they enjoy the show.  So, I know I have at least one listener.  :)

Nevertheless, I thought it seemed appropriate to put a plug in for my show considering the post topic.  If you're interested in listening to a 30-minutes of positive media, tune into 89.9 KWAR every Tuesday morning at 9:30am CST.  For those who reside outside the Waverly area, you can tune in online at:

Click on the giant banner that says, "LIVE RADIO KWAR," go through the steps that your computer requests, and you should be all set.

Thanks so much!  :)

Day 62 - Giving

Day 62 - Giving

"You don't have to be a comedian to deliver a punch line."  ~ Michael Jr., All-Star Comedian

So, a lot of us are looking for that big break.  Maybe that big break isn't far away from us.  Perhaps its right in front us.  Maybe we need just a little change in perspective.  Take a listen to an all-star comedian's perspective of his big break.

"If we could just stop asking the question, 'what could I get for myself,' and start asking the question 'what can I give from myself,' I think people would the punch line." ~ Michael Jr., All-Star Comedian

Day 61 - A Metaphor for Life

Day 61 - A Metaphor for Life

"My grandfather always said that living is like licking honey off a thorn." ~ Louis Adamic

I read this in a devotional the other day.  " licking honey off a thorn."  What a beautiful metaphor.  Life is a lot like licking honey off a thorn.  It's sweet, but it hurts sometimes.  Life has its joys and rewards, but let's face it, you're going to get stung once in awhile.  I'm also reminded of Abraham Lincoln's quote when I read this.

"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." ~ Abraham Lincoln

Good stuff and a reminder of what life is all about and how we should live our lives.   

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Day 60 - A Post from Awhile Back

Day 60 - A Post from Awhile Back

Here's a post from awhile back.  Turning Cars 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

One of my favorite things to do while driving is to watch cars on my right turn in front of me into the lane on my left.  From the photo, consider yourself vehicle A.  The yellow car is vehicle B (and nevermind the X in the photo.  That is nothing.).  :)

Alright, so let’s say vehicle B is turning left from their lane into the lane on your left, right next to you.  It is in these situations that you can observe some of the greatest facial expressions you have ever seen.  For some reason, the shift in balance of the vehicle combined with with the speed of the vehicle creates a priceless momentary image of individuals frozen in time while driving their vehicles.  Within in each frozen image, individuals looked at carefully during these moments contain a different facial expression which brings oneself a sense of hilarity.

Consider a snowflake.  These “left hand turning expressions” are much like snowflakes; no “left-hand turning expression” is identical to any other.  Some people are wearing sunglasses, some are talking on their cell phones, and some are simply trying their very best to make it back home after a long day at work.  Regardless of the situation, the image developed within these “left hand turning” experiences are incredibly worthwhile to witness.  What makes these moments even more exhilarating is when you have a series of vehicles turning in the left-hand lane next to you.  Then there is a slideshow of of images that make the laughter go on for minutes after the vehicles have passed you by.

I truly hope this makes sense. Someday, I hope to make a video demonstrating exactly what I mean so people have a simple way to entertain themselves while driving.  If you do understand, try it yourself!  The next time you witness a car turning to the left in front of you, look at the driver, and the next two or three or four drivers after, and be prepared for a little laughter.  :)  Their facial expressions are hilarious!!!

Day 59 - Reflection

Day 59 - Reflection

We rarely take time to reflect and yet reflection can open our eyes to some amazing things.  We can discover a lot about ourselves; our values, our interests, our passions, and our dreams.  We can learn from our experiences; mistakes we've made, things we've done well, and adjustments we can make in our daily work.  It's also therapeutic; reducing stress and freeing the mind.  One simple strategy for releasing stress: think of one positive thing at the end of each day.

So...maybe you need some reflection.  Here are some questions that might help you reflect.  Take a few minutes and see what you discover.  And dig deep.  Think about "why?"

1. What have people been telling you all your life? (one positive/one negative)
2. If you could not fail, what would you undertake right now?
3. What's the most important thing missing from your life right now?
4. Do you have a favorite fairy tale or story that speaks to you?
5. If you were not worried about the consequences, what would you introduce in your life for gain?
6. What's the most consistent message (voice) you have been hearing about a change or change(s) in your life (professional and/or personal) over the past year?
7. If money and failure weren't issues, what would you do?
8. If you could snap your fingers and solve any problem in the world, what would it be?
9. Who are three people you know really well?  What would they say your calling, passion, and/or direction is?
10. Just go for it.  What is the "It" right now?

A majority of these questions come from Gregg LeVoy

Day 58 - Lessons from Superman - #8

Day 58 - Lessons from Superman

"You've fought him from Gotham to here, hit him with everything you've got, and still...he's stronger than you.  He's faster than you.  There's nowhere on Earth or beyond you can run from him.  So how do you do it?  How are you going to beat him?  The simple answer have no damn idea."

Superman: Unchained, issue #8.  Superman is battling a villain named Wraith who has similar powers and strengths.  However, as I read Superman's thoughts in this issue, I'm drawn to the fact that even the Man of Steel doubts himself at times.  Even the Man of Tomorrow questions how to handle some situations.  So what does this mean?  Well, even Superman has demons - that voice in the back of one's head that just beats you up.  And dog-gone it, I don't know about your, but it's hard to fight.  

So how does one combat this voice?  As I continued reading issue #8 of Superman: Unchained, I realized Superman thinks about who he's fighting for; he thinks about his, "why" - the people he cares about, what he stands for, and the world he's trying to protect.  

"How would Diana do it, Clark?  She'd fight through.  Unleash the Warrior."

"Lois would tell you, dig down..."

And when he thinks about the one's he's fighting for, he becomes stronger; he's able to overpower even those of equal strength.

"He's fading!"

Another lesson from Superman - one worthy of noting.  So I ask, what's your "why?"  Are you thinking about them as you battle your day-to-day life?  What if you did?

"The truth is, you've got to find something within and that's going to push you; that's what's going to elevate you; that's going to drive you; that's going to move you; that's going to move you, and when you find out what your "why" is, you don't hit snooze no more.  When you find your "why", you find a way to make it happen."

What's your "why"?  Let it be your fuel for strength.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Day 57 - Something Funny - #2

Day 57 - Something Funny

This is one of my favorite all-time YouTube videos.  It's called Animal Crackers and it never gets old.  If you need a laugh, take a watch.  This is "Something Funny."  :)

Day 56 - Proudest Moment

Day 56 - Proudest Moment

On October 3, 2004, I crossed the finish line of the Twin Cities marathon.  Completing the 26.2 mile run capped off my goal of running 400 miles in four months for a cause.  I was able to raise funds and donations for every mile I ran in order to help a friend who had recently been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS).  When I crossed that finish line, it was the most unavailable feeling I had ever experienced.  A huge shout out goes to all of those who supported the cause, especially my mom.  My mom helped me with all of my long runs dispersing waters every two miles and dropping me off out in the country to run home.  She also helped me manage the funds I raised throughout the experience.  I really couldn't have done it without her support and encouragement.

A simple act of service using something I love to do to fulfill a need along the way.  What's something you love to do that might serve others?  Service can take many forms.  All in all, I really hope to go after this goal again in the near future...

Day 55 - Favorite Victory

Day 55 - Favorite Victory

In light of UNI's win over North Dakota State University (NDSU) this evening, I felt it was only appropriate to do a post on my favorite victory.  NDSU came to Cedar Falls tonight having the #1 ranking in the nation and a 33-0 win streak (which was the NCAA's longest active win streak in football).  They left the game with a 23-3 loss to my UNI Panthers.  It was incredible.  We haven't beat the Bison since 2009!  

Northern Iowa defensive back Deiondre' Hall, left,

Although tonight marks one of my favorite victories, I don't think anything can top this one:

UNI's 69-67 win over the No. 1 seeded Kansas Jayhawks in the 2010 NCAA Tournament
- March 20, 2010 -

I remember it like yesterday.  My wife and I were watching the game over spring break in our residence hall apartment.  We were incredibly skeptical going into the game, and as the game progressed, we became more and more tense.  The game was so close.  As the clock ticked down, we were thrilled to see ourselves keeping up with the No. 1 ranked team in the nation.  At the end, my wife and I were literally the only people in the residence hall.  We were jumping up and down, hugging each other and it was quiet possible that someone living on the other side of the building on the 4th floor could have heard us screaming.  From that moment on, our phones erupted with text messages and Facebook notifications.  It too was incredible.  

For those who may have never experienced this game or for those who might want to relive some of the incredible moments, tune in here:

I love underdog moments, and I love my UNI Panthers.  When residents of Iowa ask me, "Are you a Hawkeye fan or a Cyclone fan?", I say, "Are you crazy?  I'm a Panther fan."  There isn't no fan of Iowa or Iowa State more than UNI.  I'm a Panther fan through and through, and tonight, I continue being a proud Panther fan.  :)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 54 - Last Book You Read

Day 54 - Last Book You Read

Well, I can't say that I read it.  I actually listened to it.  :)  I've been listening to all of the Harry Potter books on CD as I travel to and from places (mainly from work and home) since March.  Last week, I finished the 5th book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

I have really enjoyed all of the Harry Potter books, but this one has probably been my least favorite.  It's one of the longer books in the series and it really aims at setting up the rest of the series.  It is slower than the rest and not a lot of action takes place.  Plus there is a character in the book who I really despised.  

As I have read each of the books, I've watched the movies immediately upon finishing the books.  The movie was great, however a lot of what was in the book was missing and they did change some key plot points in the film.  

I'm now onto book six, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.  It didn't take me long to move on to the next book.  In fact, I listened to the last 10 minutes of the Order of the Phoenix in the Cedar Falls Library parking lot.  Once completed, I took the set of CDs into the library to return them and picked up book six, the Half-Blood Prince.  A day later, I had already watched the Order of the Phoenix and the day after that, I was on to book six.  

The sixth book in the series has had an intense start and some major twists have already begun to take shape within the first couple of chapters.  I fear very bad things are ahead.  However, I look forward to finishing the series and will hopefully have them all finished within a year!  According to Scholastic, I will have listened to 4,224 pages through these books alone this year!!!  :)

Day 53 - What Makes You Happy?

Day 53 - What Makes You Happy?

The month of October has kept me pretty busy and I haven't had a whole lot of time to spend with family, but the time I have had has been worthwhile.  Ava's talking more and more everyday, Oreo continues to snuggle and give me kisses in the morning and at night, and my wife continues to be the best mother and spouse I could ever ask for.  I look forward to the months ahead as we celebrate holidays.  I'm reminded within the last few days that I must continue taking time to stop and just watch from time to time to take.  I need to take it all in.  The smiles, the laughter, the hugs, and all the love that continues to flow through our family.  I'm grateful for what makes me happy; my family. 


So...the month of October really caught me off guard.  It was a busy month full of challenges, struggles, pests, successes, joys, assists, deadlines, "to-do" lists, and much more.  I realize I'm way off track on my 100-day blog challenge, but that's life.  

Sometimes life "hits ya," and you just got to "roll with the punches."  However, it doesn't mean you quite the race.  It means you keep going and finish the race, no matter how long it takes you.  That's what I aim to do.  I've got approximately three more weeks left in my challenge, and by golly I'm going to meet it.  Expect to see a lot of posts headed your way these next few weeks.  Hopefully you'll find some inspiration through them.

"Keep moving forward." 

~ Sylvester Stallone, Johnny Depp, Conrad Hall, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Walt Disney ~