The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Day 59 - Reflection

Day 59 - Reflection

We rarely take time to reflect and yet reflection can open our eyes to some amazing things.  We can discover a lot about ourselves; our values, our interests, our passions, and our dreams.  We can learn from our experiences; mistakes we've made, things we've done well, and adjustments we can make in our daily work.  It's also therapeutic; reducing stress and freeing the mind.  One simple strategy for releasing stress: think of one positive thing at the end of each day.

So...maybe you need some reflection.  Here are some questions that might help you reflect.  Take a few minutes and see what you discover.  And dig deep.  Think about "why?"

1. What have people been telling you all your life? (one positive/one negative)
2. If you could not fail, what would you undertake right now?
3. What's the most important thing missing from your life right now?
4. Do you have a favorite fairy tale or story that speaks to you?
5. If you were not worried about the consequences, what would you introduce in your life for gain?
6. What's the most consistent message (voice) you have been hearing about a change or change(s) in your life (professional and/or personal) over the past year?
7. If money and failure weren't issues, what would you do?
8. If you could snap your fingers and solve any problem in the world, what would it be?
9. Who are three people you know really well?  What would they say your calling, passion, and/or direction is?
10. Just go for it.  What is the "It" right now?

A majority of these questions come from Gregg LeVoy

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