The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Day 56 - Proudest Moment

Day 56 - Proudest Moment

On October 3, 2004, I crossed the finish line of the Twin Cities marathon.  Completing the 26.2 mile run capped off my goal of running 400 miles in four months for a cause.  I was able to raise funds and donations for every mile I ran in order to help a friend who had recently been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS).  When I crossed that finish line, it was the most unavailable feeling I had ever experienced.  A huge shout out goes to all of those who supported the cause, especially my mom.  My mom helped me with all of my long runs dispersing waters every two miles and dropping me off out in the country to run home.  She also helped me manage the funds I raised throughout the experience.  I really couldn't have done it without her support and encouragement.

A simple act of service using something I love to do to fulfill a need along the way.  What's something you love to do that might serve others?  Service can take many forms.  All in all, I really hope to go after this goal again in the near future...

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