The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Day 58 - Lessons from Superman - #8

Day 58 - Lessons from Superman

"You've fought him from Gotham to here, hit him with everything you've got, and still...he's stronger than you.  He's faster than you.  There's nowhere on Earth or beyond you can run from him.  So how do you do it?  How are you going to beat him?  The simple answer have no damn idea."

Superman: Unchained, issue #8.  Superman is battling a villain named Wraith who has similar powers and strengths.  However, as I read Superman's thoughts in this issue, I'm drawn to the fact that even the Man of Steel doubts himself at times.  Even the Man of Tomorrow questions how to handle some situations.  So what does this mean?  Well, even Superman has demons - that voice in the back of one's head that just beats you up.  And dog-gone it, I don't know about your, but it's hard to fight.  

So how does one combat this voice?  As I continued reading issue #8 of Superman: Unchained, I realized Superman thinks about who he's fighting for; he thinks about his, "why" - the people he cares about, what he stands for, and the world he's trying to protect.  

"How would Diana do it, Clark?  She'd fight through.  Unleash the Warrior."

"Lois would tell you, dig down..."

And when he thinks about the one's he's fighting for, he becomes stronger; he's able to overpower even those of equal strength.

"He's fading!"

Another lesson from Superman - one worthy of noting.  So I ask, what's your "why?"  Are you thinking about them as you battle your day-to-day life?  What if you did?

"The truth is, you've got to find something within and that's going to push you; that's what's going to elevate you; that's going to drive you; that's going to move you; that's going to move you, and when you find out what your "why" is, you don't hit snooze no more.  When you find your "why", you find a way to make it happen."

What's your "why"?  Let it be your fuel for strength.

1 comment:

  1. You are right until you find your why you just keep moving but not necessarily forward. Dig deep
