The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lessons from Superman - #2

Recently I read a book called Superman: Earth One by J. Michael Straczynski.  Yes, it’s a comic book.  :)  This particular comic book was amazing.  The cover makes it looks scary, but it’s not.  Basically Superman: Earth One tells the origin story of Superman, but in a modern way; as if Superman was walking amongst us today.  This particular origin story has Clark setting out into the city to discover who is and what he is meant to do.  He goes out seeking a position that fits him well and obtains all these job offers.  He has the choice to be a rising football star, a top scientist, a successful businessman, an outstanding baseball player, an upcoming engineer, an unbelievable chemist, or a journalist for a failing newspaper company.  While searching for a job, he questions how he can use the abilities he has for the betterment of mankind; something we are all wondering and looking for.  Eventually, a major attack is initiated on earth by a civilization that destroyed his home world, and it is through this attack that he learns what he is supposed to do with his talents.  I’m sure you can figure out which occupation he selected in the end.  :)

Nevertheless, as I begin to look for jobs this semester, and many others out there attempt to find work and discover who they truly are, I found myself connecting to this book.  This is by far one of the best Superman stories I have ever read and I’d like to just share a little bit from the book that might be able to inspire those of us pursuing our potential.

This excerpt comes from Johnathan Kent, Clark’s father.  Clark is reflecting back on this conversation about his future while in the midst of attack on earth.  I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did.  :)

Superman: Earth One by J. Michael Straczynski

“I know how you must feel some days…like the weight of the whole world is pressing on you and there’s no one to talk to…no one to help you…when you’ll feel utterly and totally alone.  But when that time comes, you’ll know what do.” - Jonathan

“How can I decide what to do with my life when I don’t even know who I am?  I feel like I’m walking in a dream, and nothing’s real, not even me.” - Clark
“Then maybe the answer is to wake up.  There will come a day Clark, when for the very first time, you won’t have to hold back…a day when you can cut loose…a day when you can finally be who you truly are…you’re unique in all the world.  Extraordinary.  Not just any manand more than just a man…a SUPER-man.  Live Clark.  Follow your passion.  Show the whole world what you can do.  Fly Clark…fly…” - Jonathan

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