The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Monday, January 10, 2011

You know who's awesome?! - #3

This guy:

This here is Drake Martin.  He is the Assistant Director of Residence Education at UNI.  He basically helps Hall Coordinators and RAs create dynamic residence hall communities through educational and social opportunities.

Drake is someone I greatly look up to.  He’s wise, encouraging, and he is filled with ideas.  If you ever need some assistance brainstorming future plans or need a catchy, creative idea, Drake Martin is the guy to go to.  He also delivers amazing puns and maintains a great sense of humor that can make you smile on a regular basis.

Just recently we had our RA Winter Workshop here at UNI.  Every January, we take a couple of days with the RAs to help them reconnect and get ready for the upcoming busy semester.  As a piece of inspiration for the upcoming semester, Drake encouraged RAs “To be the change they wish to see in the world” (Gandhi).  He instructed us to think about a legitimate trouble in the world that is bigger than ourselves, yet capable of fixing, and he inspired us to work towards eliminating that trouble and making an impact.  I thought this was such a cool message and something we should all consider doing.  There are many troubles in the world that we are capable of fixing through hard work and the help of others.  We just have to rise up to the occasion, unite, and do it.

Altogether, I find Drake Martin to be an inspiration to myself and many others I just want him to know that he’s one, incredibly awesome man!  :)  And if you ever need to be cheered up, he’s a great guy to go to.  He’s a “punny” guy.  :)

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