The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Voice

“There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
‘I feel that this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong.’
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What’s right for you-just listen to
The voice that speaks inside.”

~Shel Silverstein

Day 30 - One last moment

Now.  Right now.  It’s the most important time in my life.  I have the ability to choose who I am and who I want to become.  I can choose to go running, or I can choose to read a book.  I can choose to dance in the rain, or I can choose to give my wife a hug.  In this moment, what will I choose?  For whatever I choose, this moment will be written in history and be apart of the rest of my days.  This could be my one last moment, so I better make it count.

“One last moment could be now, so make the most of it, someway, somehow.” ~TJ Warren

Thank you for reading my 30 Day Challenge!  I highly recommend taking this journey on yourself, as it can help you further explore who you are as a person and what matters to you.  Again, thanks for reading and enjoy your day!

Day 29 - Your aspirations

I have a lot of aspirations; a lot of goals I want to fulfill during my time here.  But most importantly, I aspire to be:

-Someone’s hero.
-A wonderful father and husband.
-An inspiration.
-Comical and humorous.
-A keynote speaker.
-A super man.

Day 28 - Something that you miss

I miss the days when I would go cruising with my Brother-In-Law in his purple 1994 Ford Ranger. It looked a lot like this:

When I was young, my sister’s husband Chris would often hang out with me.  We’d play video games, build things out of Legos, and talk all things Sci-Fi (I’m pretty sure we still do all of this together to this day).

Afterall, it was Chris who introduced me to Star Wars, for which I am very grateful.  :)  During all those times we got together when I was little, our adventures almost always included us driving somewhere in his purple pick-up.  We’d go to movies, restaurants, and stores listening to 90’s music all across town.  We listened to the good stuff such as Blind Melon, Counting Crows, Gin Blossoms, Soul Asylum, Dishwalla, Primus, No Doubt, and The Presidents of the United States of America.  Good stuff!

Yep!  Those were the good old days.  I miss them a lot.  Yet I’m always thankful for having such an awesome Brother-In-Law whom I view as a brother and best friend.  :)  He was the perfect role model for me at the time, and continues to be as a father and husband.

Thanks Chris for being a hero in my eyes.  I’m forever grateful for hanging out with you when I was a kid, and I still enjoy spending time with you when we get the chance.  We may not have the purple truck anymore, but as far as I’m concerned, those moments still live inside me, and I get a little glimpse of them each and every time we are cruising together to this day.  :)  You’re awesome sir!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 27 - Your favorite place

Unfortunately, I cannot show you an outstanding photo of my favorite place, but I can show you glimpses of it through moments captured on camera.  This is my favorite place:

This is Get a Grip…this is my favorite place.  It was a youth leadership conference held at Iowa State University each summer.  I attended the conference for 7 years as a camper and counselor.  This organization truly formed who I am today.

My first conference was held in the Iowa State University Memorial Union Sun Room.  It’s the room displayed in the first 5 pictures.  To this day, whenever I go into that room, I close my eyes and I feel the energy that once consumed that room.  I feel the presence of campers, Bill, the music, everything…  I so badly wish I could go back and continuously relive those moments.  If I was trapped inside my own Groundhog’s Day, this is where I would want to be trapped.

Why is this my favorite place?  Because I felt completely safe there.  I could be exactly who I wanted, and who I was meant to be.  It was the world’s most positive place, and it was there that I learned with others the philosophy of YOGOWYPI.  I also learned to “live each day with a smile on my face, and love in my heart.”

I will always remember the things I learned at Get a Grip and it will always be my favorite place.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 26 - Your fears

There have three major fears in my life:

1. The loss of loved ones, friends, and family.
2. The concept of failure and letting others down.
3. Never reaching my ultimate potential.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

This popped up on my Dashboard today. It made me smile! :)

100th Post

Yay!  It’s my 100th post!  I should celebrate!  Here’s some balloons and confetti!  Thanks for reading my blog!  :)

Day 25 - A first

I remember the first time I rode a roller coaster.  It was the Outlaw at Aventureland in Des Moines.  I was probably 16 or 17 years old; never rode a coaster in my life.  I could ride all the spinning, twisting, thrill-seeking rides near the ground, but I could not for the life of me get myself to ride a roller coaster.  I can remember standing in line, just wishing we were going home.

When we got on the coaster, I tried to remain calm.  Everything was fine until the bar latched over my legs.  I asked my buddy James next to me if there was any chance I could bow out at that point.  He snickered, said “nope,” and and threw his arms up in the air getting ready for the ride.  I on the other hand curled myself around the safety bar.

We got to the first hill.  By now I’m sweating bullets and whimpering a small prayer.  “Please let me survive this!  Please let me survive this!”  I kept my eyes sealed all the way to the top of the hill.  We edged over the peak of the hill, and just then I had opened my eyes and then we just dropped.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!”  The coaster jerked and swerved.  “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!  Why’d you make me do this James?!  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”  And then suddenly, we were back in loading bay.  “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!”

“TeeJ, you made it dude,” said James.

“I made it.  I made it!”  The bar lifted up and the conductor gave us instructions exit the ride on the left.  As we walked down the exit ramp, I was fairly silent with a half smile on my face.

Someone asked me, “How was it TeeJ?”

I replied by saying, “Can we do that again?”  :)

And that is how my thrill of Roller Coasters began!  Oh, and just for the record, this coaster is nothing compared to the coasters at Cedar Point.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 24 - Something that makes you cry

Anything inspirational.

-A lot of movies can get me.  The Express, Rudy, and Phenomenon to name a few.
-Amazing heroes, such as Dick and Rick Hoyt and Randy Pausch.
-Watching others get recognized for their good deeds.

Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better

I've said it before and I'll say it again...


and hugs. :)

Day 22 - Something that upsets you

When you walk by someone in passing, say “hello,” and they just walk right on by without saying a word or looking at you.

Oh, and any cell phone activity taking place during meetings, unless there is significant reason to be checking or answering your phone.

Oh, and I have to get this out in the open also: people who are extremely rude and/or impatient.

Day 21 - Another moment

One weekend, during the winter months of my 7th grade year (1998), my parents surprised me with something big.  It was one of my favorite moments and something I will always remember.

It all started out with my Mom handing me a note to take to school one Friday morning.  The note was to inform my teachers that I would be missing school on Monday and Tuesday of the following week, and that my parents would appreciate it if my teachers would provide me with my homework for the days I was going to miss.  So my teachers helped me put together a list of assignments to turn in the following Wednesday, and I was on my merry way into the weekend.

Throughout the entire weekend, I had questioned my parents on where we were going first thing Monday morning.  Not for the life of me could I get them to provide me with an answer.  They kept telling me it was a “surprise.”  I was so agitated.  As a 7th grader, I was really concerned about what my parents were up to and I questioned whether or not this so called surprise would be something I would want to brag about when I returned to school on Wednesday morning.

Monday morning came around, and we hopped in the car at a decent time.  We had our bags packed for an overnight stay, and I had no clue what we were up to.  My parents told me we were headed to Newton, Ia.

“What’s in Newton?” I asked.

“We’re headed to the Maytag factory for a tour of the whole manufacturing plant,” my mother said.

“Oh, really?” as I questioned in a sarcastically, enthusiastic way.


On that note, I slouched over in the back seat, and took a nap.  I was a little bummed.  Next thing I know, I wake up and the car is turned off.  My Dad was outside talking to another gentlemen outside, while my Mom and I waited in the car.  Dad then popped the trunk, took all of our luggage out of the car, and put it in the other gentleman’s car.  I was suddenly concerned that I was in some kind of a thriller movie.  Either my Dad was going be taken away with my mother and I left to try and save him, or my parents decided to ship me off to military school.  Either way, I was extremely concerned.  Eventually mom opened the car door and said, “Come on, T.”  I got out of the car and sure enough, I realized we had made it to the Maytag factory.  I thought to myself, “Oh boy.”  But then we got in the stranger’s car.  He started the car, and we were back on the road again.  By this time, I knew something was up.

After being in the car a few minutes, the stranger asked me a bizarre question from way out in left field.  “TJ, you like the Chicago Bulls, right?”

“Yeah,” I said, hesitantly.

“Have you ever seen them play in person?”

“No?  Why?”

“It just so happens that I have four tickets to see MJ, Scottie Pippen, and the rest of the team take on the Boston Celtics.  We’re on our way to Chicago to see them play.”

“What?!”  I flipped a lid!  I couldn’t believe it!  I had always dreamed of seeing Michael Jordan play and I was finally going to get my chance!  In his last year with the Bulls, I got to see MJ and the rest of the Chicago Bulls take on the Boston Celtics.  It was quite the surprise, and quite the moment!

The game was awesome! We had box seats!  We got all the free refreshments that we wanted (including Chicago style hot dogs, chips, and pop), and a dessert cart came around at halftime.  It was unbelievable.  I also got my picture taken in front of the Michael Jordan statue outside the United Center, I got to go near the floor where Steve Kerr, Tony Kukoc, Scottie Pippen, and Dennis Rodman were warming up before the game, and of all things, I saw a great win against the Celtics.  It was definitely a night to remember.

I’m so thankful for my parents taking me on this adventure when I was younger.  It was definitely an amazing moment in my lifetime; one I will always remember. And above all else, I’m so thankful that I didn’t have to tell my friends that following Wednesday all about the Maytag Factory in Newton, Ia.  Instead, I got tell them all about how I saw Michael Jordan play live, in person (in his final season with the Bulls).  :)

Day 20 - This month


This last week, the temperature dropped to -11 degrees, I interviewed approximately 160 RA candidates, and I sent over 250 emails. :/

I’m currently in the process of applying for jobs.  My resume is complete and my cover letters are taking shape.  Bring on the interviews!

Next Monday is Valentine’s day and the entire week has been named Random Acts of Kindness Week.  I really feel like putting on a Free Hugs campaign.  :)

What I hope to do in February’s remaining weeks is to continue applying for jobs, start my portfolio, get on a 20k training regiment, keep up on my homework assignments for my two classes, and hopefully spend sometime with my family, Brittany, and myself.

Day 19 - Something you regret

I was taught at Get a Grip in 2000 to live my life with no regrets, and I really aim to do just that.  However, we all encounter a few times when we really wished we would have done something differently.  Here are a couple of my regrets:

-I regret not taking advantage of a current opportunity sooner.
-I regret not pursing electronic media as a major.
-I regret not reaching out to my Dad a lot sooner than I did.
-I regret not saying “I love you” during moments when I really wanted to.
-I regret not picking up a comic book and reading it front to back when I was younger.
-I regret not going out for basketball my senior year.  I would have been the only one in my grade to have gone out all four years (I used my time in a better way though).
-Lastly, I regret not being myself and worrying so much during all the times I could have been myself and had no reason to worry.

Day 18 - Your favorite birthday

My 17th birthday was probably my favorite birthday.  It was just a few days before Brittany and I had started dating, and her and her brother Alex (a good friend of mine at the time, and now my brother-in-law) threw me a surprise birthday party with all of my friends.  It was also the Friday before we went to the State Cross Country meet.  That morning the team and I went for a three mile jog in below freezing temps so we would be ready for the meet the next day.  I was actually an alternate for the team and I got to cheer on my buddy Chip to an outstanding 6th place finish overall. Guess who else I saw there?  :)  Brittany and one of her friends came down to the meet to cheer us all on, and it was then when I “officially” found out Brittany had a crush on me.  Three days later, we started dating.  :)

All together, it was just an awesome birthday.  It was surrounded by so much.    We also had our High School musical, West Side Story a week later where I played the part of Bernardo.  It was quite the birthday.  I felt on top of the world!  Never had a birthday like it.  :)

Day 17 - Your favorite memory

Goodness.  This one is tough.  I have so many!

-Crossing the finish line of the Twin Cities Marathon and greeting my family at the end.
-Being selected to the State Cross Country team.
-Visiting my sister and Chris when I was younger.
-Christmas at my Grandparents when I was little.
-Sitting next to Brittany on the bus to Cross Country meets.
-Finding out I was nominated for All State Speech in high school.
-Listening to my Mom over the phone when her story was published.
-Leading student leaders around Washington DC with the People to People program.
-Singing at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
-Playing golf with my Dad at Bos Laden.
-Standing on top of Mt. Massive with my best friends.
-Fishing and hunting with my Dad and brothers.

The list goes on and on.  I’ve been really blessed in my life and I’m thankful for the memories that I’ve had.  What I’m thankful for the most though is my willingness to take a moment and capture a memory.   I have a plethora of images in my mind of last’s, first’s, and random moments of importance.  What I mean by this is, I’ve actually taken mental pictures of final performances in auditoriums, Christmas Eve skylines, and my dorm rooms prior to move in.  I have pictures of the places I visited in Europe and pictures of others during celebrations sharing a laugh and enjoying themselves.  Call me goofy, but I’m sentimental that way.  I think it’s important for us to pause every now and then, and capture our best moments in life.  As Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast.  If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.”

Woah! Off track...

I need to catch up on my 30 day challenge!  It’s been an awfully busy week.  We interviewed approximately 165 RA candidates this week, so I was pretty much MIA all week.  Nevertheless, let’s get back to this challenge!  :)  Enjoy and have a great day!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 16 - Your first kiss

On Day 2 of this 30 Day Challenge, I spoke of my first love.  Lindy was her name, and as I mentioned before, her and I would often pick dandelions outside on the playground and occasionally swing next to each other on the swing set at recess.  I wouldn’t call it a serious relationship, as we never officially called it dating.  :)  But at the age 4 or 5 (I really can’t remember how old I was in Kindergarten), Lindy and I were out on the very edge of the playground trying to spot some dandelions, near the hill filled with trees.  I can’t tell you exactly what stirred up the moment, what kind of chemistry was formulated at the time, or what we even said to each other, but on that one day picking dandelions, we all of the sudden leaned in and gave each other a .5 second peck on the lips.  Some would call it “cute” or “magical.”  I call it just plain “funny.”

I can’t tell you for sure, as I don’t remember this memory vividly, but I’m guessing that we then told at least one or two of our classmates on our way back into the school from recess.  :)  In those days (at the age of 4 and 5), drama was definitely present in our lives (sigh).  :)

So there you have it.  My first kiss!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 15 - Your dreams

My dream is fairly simple: I simply want to be remembered in a positive way.

Our lives are so short.  To think that the world has been around for millions of years, and we are a part of it all for practically a nanosecond.  Within that nanosecond, there are a select few that are consciously remembered in a positive way.  I simply want to be one of those few.  I do not wish to be remembered as the most famous person, or the one with all the riches, rather, I just want to be remembered for being a good man; a man that did his best to encourage others and made the world a better place in some way, each and everyday.  Now, how I’m going to do that?  I’m not quite sure yet.  :)

One of my dreams is to be an inspirational speaker; someone who encourages others to their potential through teambuilding and positive thinking.  I think our society sometimes focuses too much on our weaknesses and all the negative things occurring out there.  It’s time we focus on the positive and set our sights on our strengths, for we all have the capacity to make a difference in the world in our own unique way.  So as an inspirational speaker, what is my message?  Well, I’m still trying to figure that out.  Is that exactly what I’m supposed to do occupationally?  I’m not sure.  I’d say, my dreams are still a little fuzzy and I’m doing my best to make the picture just a little clearer.  :)  Hopefully I will know soon.  Hopefully I will become the person I’ve always dreamed of being; a hero utilizing his talents for the betterment of mankind.  But until, I’ll do the very best I can with whatever opportunities arise, and I hope to inspire a few others along the way.

Day 14 - What you wore today

Actually, I was fairly green today.  I wore a light green GAP polo with a pair of hunter green Dockers.  My shirt and pants were then accented (I’m using cool, classy words!) with a black belt, a pair of black shoes, and a pair of black socks with St. Patrick’s green heels.  See!  I told you I was green today!  :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 13 - This week

So far, so good!

We just had the 21st Annual UNI RA Conference this past weekend where 500 RAs from all across the Midwest gathered together to collaborate and educate each other on how to enhance their residents’ college experience.  So that was a great time!  Then the rest of my week is just being used to catch up on my to-do list.  I hope to finalize my Resume, write my cover letter, start looking at some job opportunities, and get some of my schoolwork done for class.  I enjoy weeks like this.  Weeks like this provide the opportunity to be productive.  All’s I got to do seize the days!  (Which might prove to be pretty simple with this snow storm we are experiencing.  I know a lot of Panthers are dreaming of a Snow Day tomorrow.)  :)

Oh!  And we can’t forget that Super Bowl Sunday is this coming weekend.  Even though my team isn’t in the Super Bowl, I’m still excited!  I love Super Bowl Sunday!  Good times with friends, the commercials, some yummy foods…  It’s all good.  This year, I’ll be rooting for the Packers!  Let’s go Pack!  Pack the Steel away!  :)