The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 13 - This week

So far, so good!

We just had the 21st Annual UNI RA Conference this past weekend where 500 RAs from all across the Midwest gathered together to collaborate and educate each other on how to enhance their residents’ college experience.  So that was a great time!  Then the rest of my week is just being used to catch up on my to-do list.  I hope to finalize my Resume, write my cover letter, start looking at some job opportunities, and get some of my schoolwork done for class.  I enjoy weeks like this.  Weeks like this provide the opportunity to be productive.  All’s I got to do seize the days!  (Which might prove to be pretty simple with this snow storm we are experiencing.  I know a lot of Panthers are dreaming of a Snow Day tomorrow.)  :)

Oh!  And we can’t forget that Super Bowl Sunday is this coming weekend.  Even though my team isn’t in the Super Bowl, I’m still excited!  I love Super Bowl Sunday!  Good times with friends, the commercials, some yummy foods…  It’s all good.  This year, I’ll be rooting for the Packers!  Let’s go Pack!  Pack the Steel away!  :)

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