The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Day 10 - You Know Who's Awesome?! - #7

This guy:

Day 10 - You Know Who's Awesome?!

This is a man I look up to; my mentor, my friend, Bill Cordes.  Bill is The YOGOWYPI (You Only Get Out What You Put In) Guy.  I've known Bill since my freshman year of high school where he facilitated a youth leadership program called Get a Grip.  For seven summers in a row, I was given the opportunity to re-connect with Bill and hear his message.  I've always loved listening to his stories and learning from him.  He taught me to:

"Live each day with a smile on your face, and love in your heart."

"Live with no regrets."

"Stop, adjust, and go for it again."

"Sit in the T-Zone of the classroom-the front rows and center rows."

"Put a lot in, so you get a lot out."

What's really is awesome is that he continues to travel across the nation talking to teens, college students, teachers, and business leaders about living better lives.  These same lessons are being shared with thousands and thousands of people each and everyday.  What could be more awesome than that?!

I can say with certainty that every day, something Bill has taught me goes through my mind.  My favorite "Bill moments" in my mind are when people are describing the concept of YOGOWYPI, but they don't know what YOGOWYPI is.  Here are some examples:

"Well, if people put in some effort, they'll get something in return..." or "you put a lot into something, you'll get something out of it..."

Bill is awesome.  If you've never met Bill or heard him speak, you need to find a way to do so.  He's a life-changer.  Thanks for the impact you've had on my life, Bill!  Love ya man!  :)

1 comment:

  1. What an inspiration Bill has been for you and for several thousands of people. I was fortunate enough to be a chaperon for a summer trip to Get A Grip. It turned out to be a life experience for my self as an adult. I saw what a SUPER life event it was for high school students. I feel blessed that I had an opportunity to meet Bill and feel you meeting him had a huge influence on the man you have become.
