The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Day 6 - Pass it On

Reeve 14x48

Day 6 - Pass it On

Have you ever seen a "Pass it On" billboard, like the one above?  Whenever I see one, I smile.  Sometimes I'll have a conversation with someone about the particular value displayed on the billboard.  The more we talk about values, the better this world would be.

I'm going to get on my soap box here, but I believe what our society lacks most in this crazy world right now is character.  If more people in our world had character, the issues taking place would be reduced.  Character drives great leaders, which in turn drives great followers, which in turn drives problem-solving.  We all need to take a minute at some point in our lives and reflect on what our values are.  That's why so many people are lost these days because they haven't taken the time to reflect on what's truly important to them.  They distracted by everything around them.  Their cell phones, commercials, join this, buy that...  I'm guilty of it too, but if we just took a minute to reflect on what's truly important to us, with no distractions, think about the potential that could have on the world around us...

Just some food for thought.  Thanks for listening to me rant.  I encourage you to keep an eye out for these billboards, and when you see one, share the value with someone.  Have a conversation with someone about values.  Do what the billboard says and really "Pass it on."  It can be as simple as saying, "On my way to work today, I saw a billboard of Christopher Reeve that said, 'Super man.  Strength.  Pass it on.'  What do you think that meant?"  You'll never know where the conversation will take you, what the other person might take away from your talk, and what you might discover about yourself.  

Pass it on.

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