The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 9 - Why and When Did You Start Blogging?

Day 9 - Why and When Did You Start Blogging?

I posted my first blog post back in the fall of 2010 (you can see it below).  I was in graduate school at the time and felt it was important for me to spend some time reflecting on my life outside of school and work.  Not only that, but I've always wanted to create, or work for a positive media source.  For me, this was a start on that outlet.  

Life can be draining.  The world has some major problems out there that many of us are trying to solve, and yet a majority of the media tends to focus on the negative sides of those many problems.  Some of it is important to tune into since we need to know what's going on and to better our world, but there's only so much we can/should take in.  You tune in to it enough, it eventually becomes you.  One begins to think negatively, act negatively, and live negatively.  I wanted to create something people could turn to for a laugh, smile, and/or inspiration.  

Blogging is also very refreshing.  Taking just a few moments out of my day to reflect on something I've thought about really feels good, even if no one but myself reviews those thoughts.  I believe having some record of our ideas, reflections, and who we are "in-the-books" is always a good thing.  It's a part of the legacy we are leaving behind.  I only hope what I have to share is something worth passing on.  I pray that someone, someday, somewhere will enjoy reading what I had to share and hopefully be inspired.   

And there you have it.  That's why and when I started blogging.  Here's to many more posts!

Fall 2010 - First Blog Post

I've been thinking about starting a blog for quite some time.  You know, just to throw some fun thoughts out there regarding my daily adventures.  Sometimes it is important to record and reflect on our magnificent journeys that we encounter in life.

So, here it goes!  I'm a blogger and I present to you, the Adventures of SuperTeeJ!  :)  (Bum, BaDa!)

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