The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Day 11 - List Six Things You Love About Yourself. Don't Be Shy!

Day 11 - List Six Things You Love About Yourself.  Don't Be Shy!

Oofta.  This one's tough.  I'm not big on talking about myself.  Nevertheless, here it goes:

1. First, and foremost, I love the life I've had the opportunity to live thus far.  My life has not been perfect by any means, and I think that's what I appreciate most about it.  I've been through some pretty amazing experiences (traveling abroad, being a mascot, meeting the Dalai Lama, etc.), and I've also faced some really big hardships (losing loved ones, finding a job, depression, etc.).  But like Tom Hanks says in A League of Their Own, "It's the hard that makes it great."  I love this life because I living and learning.

2. I love my childlike wonder.  I wouldn't want a mind any other way.  Loving superheroes, goofing around like a kid; my personality keeps me young.  I pray this never changes.

3. I love that I care so much.  There are days when I question the attitudes and perceptions of those around me.  There are days when I really just don't want to put forth the effort.  I often think, "Why do I try?"  Then I remember.  If I take a second to hold the door for someone or smile and give a peppy, "Hello!" to a person walking by, eventually, I WILL make SOMEONE's day.  I just need to be patient and keep up the kindness.

4. I love that I'm drawing again.  There have been a lot of days lately that I wished I would have taken an art class or two and I know a lot of my drawings have referenced other drawings.  But it really is a fun hobby.  It's something I hope to continue doing in my free time and hopefully at some point create my own children's book.

5. I love striving to inspire others.  I may not always accomplish it, but I love making every effort.

6. I love that I think deeper.  My thoughts are usually simple, but deeper.  I love seeing the world differently.  I may not always articulate my thoughts well right away, but I eventually get there.

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