The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Day 7 - Your Last Random Act of Kindness

Day 7 - Your Last Random Act of Kindness

One of my favorite things to do nowadays is to drive through Starbucks and pay for the car's beverage (or a portion of their order) behind me.  I heard about people doing this a few years back around the holidays and thought it was a really cool random act of kindness.  It's nothing too big or too fancy, and yet hopefully something that can bring a smile to someone's face.  The last time I did this was on Ava and I's father/daughter day (Saturday, August 16th).  We drove through to get a mocha chip frappe' for myself and a chocolate chip cookie for the little miss (Ava actually fell asleep in the drive thru line).

So, normally when I do this, I pay for the person's drink and drive away never to see the car again.  Well, this time, the car followed me all the way to my turn to head south towards Highway 20.  As I looked in the rear-view mirror, I noticed the car following me.  I kept glancing back only to see a smile on the driver's face, which in turn just made my day.  As I merged into the left-turn lane, the car sped past honking their horn a couple times.  It was awesome.  Make someone's day?  Mission: Accomplished. :)  

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