The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Day 4 - Lessons from Superman - #6

Day 4 - Lessons from Superman

I've been holding onto this one for awhile now.  In the Superman Action Comics #1 Annual issue, Kal El seeks out Dr. John Henry Irons--AKA "Steel"--for questioning.  At one point, Dr. Irons was a part of an operation driven by Lex Luthor and the Army where they conducted a "...little torture session" on the Man of Steel.  They wanted to see what his weaknesses were.  Not knowing Luthor's intentions, Dr. Irons bailed on Luthor's projects, yet Superman wanted to be absolutely sure Dr. Irons was not out to get him.  Superman discovers that he hasn't nothing to worry about when it comes to John.  In fact, at one point in the issue, Dr. Irons enters the scene in a "steel" suit and saves Superman from a nasty kryponite-powered foe.  

It's a pretty cool issue and it's one of the first appearances of Steel in the New 52 universe.  So, I just geeked out a little bit there.  

You might be asking, "what's so inspiring about this issue?  What does this have to do with anything?  Get to the point TeeJ!"

After saving Superman, Steel is found serving others through his steel industry in the Australian Desert.  In a letter, he writes the following:

"Although, to be honest, the ripples really extend back to the person who inspired me.  I wonder...maybe that's the mark of a superhero: Not just incredible powers or saving the day, but the effect you have on other people.  Inspiring them to keep trying and inspiring them to never give up."

Who is it out there who has inspired you lately?  Have you let them know?  What impact have they had on you?  What impact have you had on others?  

"By your hand, millions--billions---of lives will be altered, caught up in a chain of events begun by you this day." ~ Andy Andrews, from The Butterfly Effect.  

Living each day for the betterment of those around you, why that effect extends beyond anything you could ever imagine.  Your actions could inspire those around to you--and those around others--to keep trying and never give up.  Inspiring others?  "...that's the mark of a superhero."

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