The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Some other photos that make me laugh include these.  This is my buddy Alan.  He and I, and a few other guys went on a hiking trip to Colorado a few years ago, spotted the perfect spot for senior pictures, and then took some photos.  Here they are!  These are redonk-ulous, but they make me laugh everytime I see them!  I’m thinking we should start our own photography business.  These are quality images.  :)

Picture Challenge - “Day 10: A photo that makes you laugh.”

This one’s pretty good.  The Shull Hall Staff took pictures just before the RA Banquet this past fall (August), and evidently there were some random pictures taken.  Like this one!  What exactly am I doing?  Am I on a quest to find the beloved Campanile, or am I trying to find a phonebooth because I hear someone’s in danger from afar?  Either way, it looks as though Aaron is starring at my bum.  Or questioning exactly what I’m questioning when I look at this picture.  “TeeJ, what on earth are you doing?”  :)

I do want to clarify, that I were to make-up on a regular basis, this is how I would wear it each day.  :)

Picture Challenge - “Day 9: A photo of you with no makeup.”

So, this one is pretty easy, since I don’t normally wear make-up.  Here’s a picture of me on retreat with the Shull Hall staff.  Quite often when I travel places, and there is some epic landscaping within walking distance, I like to go and pose as different superheroes acting as if I am ready to spring into action.  This picture however is like a mixture between Cylcops and Wolverine, both from X-Men!  :)  Epic, huh?

Picture Challenge - “Your most recent photo of you.”

This picture was taken at the 50th Annual UNI Varsity Men’s Glee Club Christmas Variety Shows.  It was a fun night!  All the alumni had the chance to get back up on the stage with the current Glee Club and sing some of our greatest tunes (Brothers Sing On, Lo’ How a Rose, and the First Noel).

Picture Challenge - “Day 7: A photo of you and your best friend.”

Best friends.  From left to right is Matt (my brother-in-law), James (high school friend), Chip (high school friend), Me (myself), Chris (my other brother-in-law), Alan (high school friend), and Keegan (my nephew).  I consider these individuals a few of my GREATEST friends.  They are they type of friends that whenever we get together, it’s like we’re right where we left off.  These guys are epic!  :)

Picture Challenge - “Day 6: A photo of your celebrity crush.”

Well, my crush is Brittany Warren.  But when I was younger, I always thought Reese Witherspoon was wonderful.  Not only is she beautiful, but she seems to have a fun and charming personality as well.  So Reese would probably be my celebrity crush.  However, that doesn’t matter because I’m taken.  Sorry Reese!  :)

Picture Day Challenge - “Day 5: A photo of you making a funny face.”

Now that’s a funny face!  :)  I love Apple computers and the fun things you can do with the photo software.

I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist.  Here’s another one that makes me happy!  :)  Puppy!!!

Picture Challenge - “Day 4: A photo that makes you happy.”

Yep.  I’m happy.  I love puppies!

I’ve been saying the word “epic” a lot lately.  You know, because it’s an epic word.  But if I were to describe some thing as “epic” in the coming weeks, this movie would definitely be one of those things.  :)

I’m looking forward to seeing this movie with my Brother-in-Law and my cousin’s husband next weekend.  Each year when my extended family gathers for the holidays, we go on the Chris, Chris, & TJ (CCT) Epic Movie Adventure, and this is the movie we’re going to see this year.

Picture Challenge - “Day 3: A photo of someone you love.”

Here’s someone I love!  My wonderful Bride Brittany!  :)

Picture Challenge - “Day 2: A photo of yourself a year ago.”

This was taken at Dr. Waggoner’s Ugly Sweater Party last year.  These are my classmates in the Graduate Postsecondary Education: Student Affairs program!  :)

Picture Challenge - “Day 1: Your facebook profile photo.”

I know, I know.  This is the same picture as my tumblr profile picture, except it’s in black and white.  Hey, I’m just aiming for consistency!  :)  Nevertheless, this is a great picture of SUPERTEEJ! :) This was taken shortly after UNI 101 this past fall.

Picture Challenge!

My good friend Chris Bowden found this sweet challenge!  I think I’m up for it to!  For the next ten days, I’ll be posting the following:

Day 1: Your facebook profile photo.
Day 2: A photo of yourself a year ago.
Day 3: A photo of someone you love.
Day 4: A photo that makes you happy.
Day 5: A photo of you making a funny face.
Day 6: A photo of your celebrity crush.
Day 7: A photo of you and your best friend.
Day 8: Your most recent photo of you.
Day 9: A photo of you with no makeup.
Day 10: A photo that makes you laugh.

Excellent find Chris!  And I hope you don’t mind that I’m a copycat…  :)

You know who's awesome?! - #2

This is Amanda Mesirow.  She is the Dancer Residence Life Coordinator at UNI.  Amanda happens to be one of the funniest people I have ever met and every time I see her, she brings a smile to my face (which is perfect for those difficult and stressful days).  I am in awe of the knowledge she possesses and the skills she has, for I have approached her several times for advice and insight within the past three years.  Amanda has the amazing ability to think through any problem and find a solution.  She also provides a unique and thought-provoking perspective to any topic or discussion.  She’s truly incredible.  And last, but certainly not least, Amanda is an inspiration to many and I have found that so many people look up to her because of her warm, approachable, and humorous personality, as well as her genuine interactions with everyone she comes in contact with.

Amanda, you’re awesome!  Thanks for all that you do and I feel fortunate to know you and work with you!  You make me smile on a daily basis!  :)

One Day


It’s the only thing we truly possess. We best make the most of it, for we do not know what lies ahead.

So today, all there is is one day.
One day to make a difference.
One day to make someone smile.
One day to tell someone you care about them.
One day to tell someone you love them.
One day to leave an imprint.
One day to leave a legacy.

All we have is one day.  One day from sunrise, to sunset.  So let’s make the most of it.  And when tomorrow comes, we’ll do it all again.

“One day more.  Another day, another destiny!” ~Les Miserables

“I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.” ~William E. Henley~

You know who's awesome?! - #1

There are some incredible people living in our world today doing extraordinary things, and so often our society tears people down rather than build them up. We all should do a little more of building people up in our lives. And that’s why I want to start something I like to call “You know who’s awesome?!” I am going to recognize individuals in our world today that are doing incredible things for the betterment of others; Individuals that are making a difference and inspiring others to do the same.

The first person I want to recognize is one of my true heroes: Mr. Tony Dungy. I admire and look up to this man greatly. He is a former coach of the Indianapolis Colts and the first African American Head Coach to win the Super Bowl. I admire him because Mr. Dungy aims to live an Uncommon life; he aims to be extraordinary each and every day, despite what others think he should do. So, you know who’s awesome?! This guy:

“Your life, your work, and your career: who else occupies that space?  No one.  Everyday you have a CHOICE.”
~Tony Dungy~
 This is scary…this was a storm that took place in Montana.

This is incredible and adorable!  This young girl saved her Dad’s life!  She’s quite the hero in my mind.  :)

This line closely resembles the Target line Brittany and I stood in at 4 am this morning for Black Friday deals.  Oh my word was it intense!

12 Days of Thanksgiving - The 1st Day

On the 1st Day of Thanksgiving, I realized blessed to me,

A Super-Duper Special Wife of Mine

And last, but certainly not least, the 12th thing I am thankful for this Thanksgiving season (and always) is my wonderful bride Brittany.  We’ve been married for two and half years and I am thankful for each day that I get to spend with her.  She has blessed my life in so many ways, it would take many years to name them all.  “BK Whopper” works so hard at work, school, and home, that I am completely amazed on how she does it all.  I admire her so much for the amount of dedication she possesses and the love that she shares with each and every person she interacts with, including myself.  Brittany has an incredible spirit and a great sense of humor that constantly makes me smile.  I am also thrilled to be apart of her wonderful family.  I am thankful for Cindy, Terry, Matt, Ralph, Lynn, Alex, Rachael, Brad, and the rest of her extended family.  They have added so much to my life and it is always a pleasure spending time with them as well.

Brittany, thank you for being a wonderful bride and congratulations on putting up with me this long!  :)  It’s not easy to put up with a “10 year-old, Superman/Sour Patch Kids Fanatic trapped inside a 26 year-old’s body, and still sleeps with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pillowcase” each and every day; it’s not easy at all.  But that’s why I love you!  I want you to know that I am thrilled to be married to you and will always love you!  As I mentioned on the day of our wedding, I am excited for the remaining “feet” left in our lives that I get to spend with you, and so far, the “feet” that we have shared together have been tremendous.  Thank you Brittany for all that you do for me and so many others!  You’re an incredible woman and I am fortunate to be married to you.  Happy Thanksgiving Britt! :)

Thanks for reading my personal 12 Days of Thanksgiving!  I want to wish everyone else a very Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the upcoming holiday season!  :)

Now I best get to bed.  “BK Whopper” is needing me to accompany her at 4 am tomorrow for the early Black Friday Sales…  :/  Yikes!

12 Days of Thanksgiving - The 2nd Day

On the 2nd Day of Thanksgiving, I realized blessed to me,

2 Amazing Parents

Today, I’m thankful for my parents, Cliff and Kathy Daugherty.  They have been there for me through thick and thin, they always seem to have the right answer, and they raised me in ways that I am truly grateful for.  I know I wouldn’t me where I am today without their love, support, and encouragement.

So I want to send out a very special thank you to my parents, whom I will always cherish and hold dear to my heart.  I’m thankful for my Mom and Dad and for all they have done for me.  I love you both!

Some of my favorite moments with my parents include:

-The things they say.  Some of these phrases have typically drove me bonkers, but I value and enjoy them today:

“This isn’t a democracy!” ~Dad
“Thanks for the warning!” ~Dad
“You’re too young to be tired!” ~Dad
“Remember who you are!” ~Mom
“Is your heater-seater on?” ~Mom
“I can’t find my contact!  Oh crap, it’s in my eye!” ~Mom

-I remember my Dad picking me up from school because I broke my collar bone, humorous, and a rib while dunking a basketball at recess.

-I love hearing the story of pulling my mom’s hair while she was singing a Christmas carol with her brothers and sisters.

-I enjoyed seeing both of my parents at several of my concerts, athletic events, and shows.  I especially enjoyed seeing them at my very first keynote address at UNI.  :)  (That’s when the picture above was taken).

-I remember going camping and fishing with my parents when I was little.

-I always enjoyed our hunting and fishing excursions!

There’s so many memories I can talk about, and so many I will continue to talk about.  I’m thankful for them all.

12 Days of Thanksgiving - The 3rd Day

On the 3rd Day of Thanksgiving, I realized blessed to me,

3 Random Favorites

I know, today I am thankful for some random things, but these had to be included in the 12 Days of Thanksgiving.  They simply had to.  They are:

Superman - I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, Superman is the greatest Superhero of all time because he humbly utilizes his many incredible talents to do good in the world.  And even though he is fictional, the story of Superman can be a lesson to us all.  We too have talents that we possess and we can make the most of our days by utilizing them to help make our world a better place.  We simply have to believe in ourselves and reach for true potential.  And there is no challenge too big or too small for us to overcome.  We can do anything we set our hearts to.

I am thankful for Superman, his story, and the many lessons he’s taught me throughout the years.

Music - From 1st grade to my Super Senior Year in college, I sang in a choir.  Music has been a major part of my life, and it is something I am extremely thankful for.  In the UNI Men’s Glee Club, we believed in the power of music, and the philosophy that we could make the world a better place, just by singing.  To this day, I still believe that.  And although I no longer sing in a choir (which I miss greatly), music will always be a part of my day and it will continue to inspire me for as long as I live.

I am thankful for music and the flavor it can add to any life situation.

Sour Patch Kids - I love sour candy, and there is no better sour candy than Sour Patch Kids.  “First sour, then sweet,” what an amazing concept!  I am thankful for these tasty treats, especially since they have been recently released in convenience stores across the country (10 years ago, one could not find a Sour Patch Kid in any local story, other than the nearest candy shop.  Now, they are the perfect road trip snack!)  :)

12 Days of Thanksgiving - The 4th Day

On the 4th Day of Thanksgiving, I realized blessed to me,

4 Stellar Hobbies

That’s right!  I’m thankful for my hobbies!  We should all have something where we can put work down for awhile and get lost in.  These happen to be four of my favorite hobbies (in no particular order):

Working Out - Running has always been my favorite exercise.  Ever since I joined Cross Country in high school, I fell in love with conquering miles and miles of terrain on foot.  I’m hoping to run another marathon within the next couple of years, once graduate school is done.  Otherwise, I’m also thankful for lifting, biking, swimming, football, and frisbee!

Reading Comic Books - That’s right!  I’m 26 years old and I read comic books.  The truth is, I give a lot of credit to comic books.  If it wasn’t for comic books, I probably would never been able to read and comprehend as effectively as I do today.  Viewing the pictures in combination with the text helped me visualize and see what I was reading.  So I am thankful for comic books teaching me how to read.  Not to mention, I also enjoy reading all about my favorite superheroes and the tests they face on a regular basis.  I gotta say, a majority of their biggest challenges happen to be challenges we too face on a daily basis.  We actually have quite a bit in common with these fictional characters.
One final comment, for those who think I’m a “geek” or “immature” for reading comic books, 1) I ask one question, 2) have one request, and 3) I’m willing to do something in return:

1. What’s your passion?
2. Please respect mine.
3. And I’ll respect yours. :)

Hunting & Fishing - Although I don’t get the chance to hunt and fish a lot, I love both of these activities.  I’m thankful for my Dad and brothers for introducing me to these fun sports.  There’s a great deal of thrill and excitement when you retrieve your game, and at the same time both activities can be relaxing and enjoyable amongst the beautiful country side.  Thank goodness for these activities!

Video Games - I know.  Many people are like, “you call that a hobby?!”  Sure!  I love all kinds of games like Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong Country, and the Legend of Zelda.  Then there’s Halo and Guitar Hero.  Oh, and don’t forget Pixel Junk Monsters (that one’s for you Chris)!  There’s adventure and excitement around every corner in a video game, and they provide a great social opportunity as well.
Although I don’t play them too often, when I do, it’s a blast!  I especially enjoy playing them with my wonderful wife.  We often play Super Mario Bros. Wii together!  :)  Hooray for video games!

I’m thankful for hobbies and the moments when we can get lost in something we have a passion for and truly enjoy.

Now, many don’t know this, but Batman happens to be my second favorite superhero.  So, I really enjoy Batman.  I also really enjoy Legos.  This picture represents two really important things!  (Oh, and I have this displayed in my office.  Feel free to stop by and check it out!)

12 Days of Thanksgiving - The 5th Day

On the 5th Day of Thanksgiving, I realized blessed to me,

5 Super Siblings

I have three brothers and one sister (Jimmie, Aaron, Sean, & Erica).  Together, we make five.  And although we don’t always get along, I am thankful for each and everyone of my siblings.

Jimmie’s the oldest of my three brothers.  He gave me the nickname “Jed.”  Why he gave me that nickname, I have no idea.  He said he looked at me one day and said, “You look like a ‘Jed.’”  I’m thankful for Jimmie showing me the importance of hard work and how to enjoy what’s around me.

Aaron is the second oldest of my three brothers.  He and I both love comics, video games, and music.  We could talk all day about the three.  I’m thankful for him teaching me how to keep my childlike heart.

Sean is the youngest of my three brothers.  Sean is always there for a good laugh, an ear to listen, and a hand to lend, and I always enjoy our fishing trips.  I am thankful for Sean being both a brother and a friend to me at the same time.

And last, but certainly not least is my sister Erica.  I have always looked up to and admired my big sister.  She took care of me when I was young and continues to check up on my today.  And even though we’ve rumbled a few times, I love spending time with my “Big Sis”.  I’m thankful for my sister Erica for being a positive role model in my life, for always enjoying my company, and for always being my dance partner on the dance floor at weddings and get togethers.

These are my siblings, and with them comes their family members whom I’ve grown to know and love over the years as well.  Together, we are all pretty dynamic, and I’m thankful for that.  :)  Thanks Jimmie, Aaron, Sean, and Erica!

12 Days of Thanksgiving - The 6th Day

On the 6th Day of Thanksgiving, I realized blessed to me,

6 Years of Res. Life

As a resident in the residence halls for eight years, and a UNI hall coordinator and former RA, I am thankful for having had the opportunity to be a part of university residence life.  Leading students in the residence halls has been a very rewarding experience and I have met so many outstanding individuals along the way.  With each year of being a part of residential life, I have had the opportunity to create some outstanding memories and experience an enormous amount of personal growth.  I remember all the staff training and the bonds we all formed.  I remember all the discussions and conversations with residents about the challenges they faced and the solutions we had found together, as well as the joys they experienced during their time at UNI.  I also remember all the fun programs we planned and took part in.  And now, I have a great collection of memories from working in residence life.

Residence life has taught me a lot.  From colleagues and life lessons, I have learned how to listen effectively, respect and admire different lifestyles and cultures, lead and facilitate major programs, and to stand up for what I believe in.  To this day, I continue to learn, which is the greatest lesson that residence life has taught me.  We are forever learners in our ever-changing world and that inspires me each day, and I am thankful for the opportunity to learn something new everyday.

So thank you Noehren Hall Staff 2004-2005, 2005-2006, & 2006-2007.  Thank you Shull Hall Staff 2008-2009, 2009-2010, & 2010-2011.  And thank you to all the residents who I got to live with during those years as well.  You’ve all made an impact on me and you will continue to do so.  Ultimately, I am thankful for having your in my life.  Thanks residence life for providing me the opportunities to meet others and grow.

12 Days of Thanksgiving - The 7th Day

On the 7th Day of Thanksgiving, I realized blessed to me,

7 Days in the Week

What I am thankful for today might seem cliche, but I really mean it.  I am thankful for each day; for each day is an opportunity.  Each day is a chance to make the world a better place, a chance to show others compassion, a chance to strengthen oneself, a chance to inspire someone, a chance to make someone’s day, and a chance to live your life.  And even though each day brings it’s challenges, and things don’t always go exactly as planned, we can learn and we can grow; two reasons that make living worthwhile.

I’m thankful for each day.  I am thankful for today.  And although we wish there were more hours in the day, we should always aim to make the most of the 24 we already have.

"The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place. It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!”

12 Days of Thanksgiving - The 8th Day

On the 8th Day of Thanksgiving, I realized blessed to me,

8 Years at UNI

I love this place.  UNI - The University of Northern Iowa.  I’ve gone to school here for eight years now (I know, “Lots of people go to college for 7 years…” and they’re called doctors.)  Many would say this is the only place I know, when in reality, it’s the place that got me to know more.  UNI has provided me with so many opportunities.  I’ve traveled overseas, I’ve served as a facilitator for 6th grade students in Washington DC, and I’ve performed in 19 shows at the GBPAC.  I’ve watched our football team compete in national playoff games in the UNI-Dome and watched our Men’s Basketball team play in the Sweet Sixteen!  I met hundreds of wonderful, outstanding people whom I call friends and colleagues today.  I’ve had the opportunity to teach, learn, and grow.  This institution has given me so many opportunities…

So thank you UNI, for all that you have given me.  You have given me a lifetime of memories for which I can never fully repay you.  Thanks UNI.  Thanks for everything!  :)

12 Days of Thanksgiving - The 9th Day

On the 9th Day of Thanksgiving, I realized blessed to me,

9 Favorite Movies

I love movies!  When I was little, I always wanted to be a movie star.  I enjoyed listening to the Academy Award winners give their thank you speeches and I typically cheered on my favorite films that were nominated.  There is just something about movies that makes them so special.  Films bring epic emotion and storytelling.  Many of us often find ourselves relating with characters and getting intertwined with the story.  Movies can take us away, teach us, and help us relate.  I will also say that movies make a great talking point!  If you’re ever in an awkward conversation, talk about the latest films being released.  It’s an easy fix!  :) Oh, and I’m pretty sure a majority of us love to catch a summer blockbuster or cozy up on the couch to watch a flick with popcorn.  Am I right?  So yeah, I am thankful for movies.  I enjoy making them from time to time as well.

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, here are 9 of my favorite movies (and I’m going to say that these are in no particular order and I certainly have dozens more that are my favorites.  Is that cheating?  No.  Of course not.  This is my blog.).  :)

Batman Begins/Batman: The Dark Knight


 Dumb and Dumber

Star Wars: Episodes IV, V, & VI


Toy Story 1, 2, & 3

Finding Nemo/The Incredibles

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Three Amigos!

Ok, so one more.  This one’s pretty predictable (can you guess what it is?):
