The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

12 Days of Thanksgiving - The 10th Day

On the 10th Day of Thanksgiving, I realized blessed to me,

10 Different Countries

Within the last eight years, I have the opportunity to travel to ten different countries.

Me at the Coliseum being captured by Roman guards!
During spring break of my freshman year (2004), I traveled with the UNI Men’s Glee Club to GERMANY, AUSTRIA, and ITALY.  Some of my favorite memories from that trip were touring the Coliseum and singing during High Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.  When we finished singing, the congregation actually applauded and a little old Italian lady met us outside afterwards and said, “Every day I am a poor woman, but today I am rich for hearing you sing.”  It was an incredible experience.

Me with the Dolphins!
In 2005, I traveled with Brittany and her family to Cancun, MEXICO for a family vacation in December.  The best part of that trip was swimming with the dolphins!

Me at Oxford University!  The filmed some of Harry Potter here!
In 2006, I traveled with the Men’s Glee Club again to ENGLAND, IRELAND, and WALES.  My favorite experience during this trip consisted of staying in an actual castle.  Yeah!  There was a dungeon and everything!  I also enjoyed walking the streets of London and observing the Big Ben clock tower.

Me and some fellow Glee Clubbers at the Town Square!
Then in 2008, I had one last opportunity to travel with the UNI Men’s Glee Club to the CZECH REPUBLIC and POLAND.  An incredible memory from this trip was singing in the streets of Prague and bringing traffic to a dead stop as we sang.  Another powerful memory from this trip included our group humming Ave Maria in the courtyards of Auschwitz Concentration Camp.  It was a very intense and emotional moment.

Me and my lovely bride sipping on coconut milk!
And finally, in 2008, my Bride and I took a trip to JAMAICA.  It was a fantastic time and I remember walking up Dunn’s River Falls and hanging out on the beach for a solid week.  It was an excellent way to spend our honeymoon.

These were all incredible journeys and I am thrilled to have experienced them.  I met so many people and experienced so many cultures.  I am thankful to have taken in some of the world’s most breathtaking places in my lifetime.  If you ever get the chance to travel to any of these places, be sure to pause, take a look around, and capture these moments.  They can be some of the most amazing things you will ever see.

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