The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

12 Days of Thanksgiving - The 4th Day

On the 4th Day of Thanksgiving, I realized blessed to me,

4 Stellar Hobbies

That’s right!  I’m thankful for my hobbies!  We should all have something where we can put work down for awhile and get lost in.  These happen to be four of my favorite hobbies (in no particular order):

Working Out - Running has always been my favorite exercise.  Ever since I joined Cross Country in high school, I fell in love with conquering miles and miles of terrain on foot.  I’m hoping to run another marathon within the next couple of years, once graduate school is done.  Otherwise, I’m also thankful for lifting, biking, swimming, football, and frisbee!

Reading Comic Books - That’s right!  I’m 26 years old and I read comic books.  The truth is, I give a lot of credit to comic books.  If it wasn’t for comic books, I probably would never been able to read and comprehend as effectively as I do today.  Viewing the pictures in combination with the text helped me visualize and see what I was reading.  So I am thankful for comic books teaching me how to read.  Not to mention, I also enjoy reading all about my favorite superheroes and the tests they face on a regular basis.  I gotta say, a majority of their biggest challenges happen to be challenges we too face on a daily basis.  We actually have quite a bit in common with these fictional characters.
One final comment, for those who think I’m a “geek” or “immature” for reading comic books, 1) I ask one question, 2) have one request, and 3) I’m willing to do something in return:

1. What’s your passion?
2. Please respect mine.
3. And I’ll respect yours. :)

Hunting & Fishing - Although I don’t get the chance to hunt and fish a lot, I love both of these activities.  I’m thankful for my Dad and brothers for introducing me to these fun sports.  There’s a great deal of thrill and excitement when you retrieve your game, and at the same time both activities can be relaxing and enjoyable amongst the beautiful country side.  Thank goodness for these activities!

Video Games - I know.  Many people are like, “you call that a hobby?!”  Sure!  I love all kinds of games like Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong Country, and the Legend of Zelda.  Then there’s Halo and Guitar Hero.  Oh, and don’t forget Pixel Junk Monsters (that one’s for you Chris)!  There’s adventure and excitement around every corner in a video game, and they provide a great social opportunity as well.
Although I don’t play them too often, when I do, it’s a blast!  I especially enjoy playing them with my wonderful wife.  We often play Super Mario Bros. Wii together!  :)  Hooray for video games!

I’m thankful for hobbies and the moments when we can get lost in something we have a passion for and truly enjoy.

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