The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

12 Days of Thanksgiving - The 1st Day

On the 1st Day of Thanksgiving, I realized blessed to me,

A Super-Duper Special Wife of Mine

And last, but certainly not least, the 12th thing I am thankful for this Thanksgiving season (and always) is my wonderful bride Brittany.  We’ve been married for two and half years and I am thankful for each day that I get to spend with her.  She has blessed my life in so many ways, it would take many years to name them all.  “BK Whopper” works so hard at work, school, and home, that I am completely amazed on how she does it all.  I admire her so much for the amount of dedication she possesses and the love that she shares with each and every person she interacts with, including myself.  Brittany has an incredible spirit and a great sense of humor that constantly makes me smile.  I am also thrilled to be apart of her wonderful family.  I am thankful for Cindy, Terry, Matt, Ralph, Lynn, Alex, Rachael, Brad, and the rest of her extended family.  They have added so much to my life and it is always a pleasure spending time with them as well.

Brittany, thank you for being a wonderful bride and congratulations on putting up with me this long!  :)  It’s not easy to put up with a “10 year-old, Superman/Sour Patch Kids Fanatic trapped inside a 26 year-old’s body, and still sleeps with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pillowcase” each and every day; it’s not easy at all.  But that’s why I love you!  I want you to know that I am thrilled to be married to you and will always love you!  As I mentioned on the day of our wedding, I am excited for the remaining “feet” left in our lives that I get to spend with you, and so far, the “feet” that we have shared together have been tremendous.  Thank you Brittany for all that you do for me and so many others!  You’re an incredible woman and I am fortunate to be married to you.  Happy Thanksgiving Britt! :)

Thanks for reading my personal 12 Days of Thanksgiving!  I want to wish everyone else a very Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the upcoming holiday season!  :)

Now I best get to bed.  “BK Whopper” is needing me to accompany her at 4 am tomorrow for the early Black Friday Sales…  :/  Yikes!

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