The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

So I’ve recently started watching this show called No Ordinary Family.  It’s on ABC at 7:00pm central on Tuesday evenings.  It’s an SUPER show!  You should check it out.  :)

As I’m watching the third episode this evening (I know, I just told you it comes on Tuesday evenings.  I Hulu’ed it.  My wonderful bride has too many shows on TV on Tuesday nights.  In other words the DVR can’t record more than two shows at one time, so I always catch it the next day.  No worries Britt!).  :)

Anyways, as I was watching the third episode tonight, I realized I go so deep into the shows I watch.  I’m sure many of us do.  TV shows today are thrilling, exciting, emotional, powerful, epic (one of my favorite words), gripping and so much more.  They take us away, and by the end of the episode, we are left there wanting more, and we can typically guess that something huge is about to happen in the upcoming episode(s).  The same can go for books and movies.  Stories in general take us places we’ve never been before, and they are incredibly exciting.

With all this excitement though, it makes a person wonder, “When will things settle down?  When will the characters just get to enjoy a moment for longer than five minutes?”  In the episode I was watching tonight, after so much excitement, Jim and Stephanie finally had a moment to themselves (Dinner on a rooftop, enjoying each other’s company).  I got to thinking, “They should just be able to enjoy this for awhile.  I just want to enjoy this for awhile.”  It was a happy moment!

Well, the truth is, the story is always changing, as it does in our lives, and the characters simply have to move with it, much like we have to.  It can be so difficult sometimes…

BUT then!  Like tonight there are those defining moments, within TV shows and within our lives, that true happiness occurs.  We succeed, we win, we laugh, and we love.  It is in these moments that we must truly take the time to treasure that particular moment and remember to always carry it with us.  We need to use all of our senses and BREATHE it all in.

So the next time you laugh, you smile, you love, you win, you live, you have a happy moment, be sure to take it all in.  BREATHE it in, for these are the moments worth living for!  Happy day everyone!

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