The SuperTeeJ Motto

"In brightest day, in blackest night...", TeeJ will help others with all his might. And let those who CHOOSE to do what's right, be filled with success, and quite a sight.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Don't miss life.

Greetings Blog,

It’s been awhile…and I apologize.  Things have been crazy busy as of late.  Since the last time I posted, I assisted with Homecoming events, turned 26, had my one and only wisdom tooth come in, been glued to football (Go Panthers, Colts, and Dolphins!), traveled to Omaha to see my sister and her family, tried to keep caught up with things in Shull, and have been reading Superman comic books.  All in all, I’d say life has been pretty eventful!

Nevertheless, I’ve missed reflecting with you.  Need to hop back to it.  I guess what can be learned from this is, sometimes we get really busy, but its important to enjoy what you’re doing.  And if you find yourself sidetracked on a personal goal and fulfilling practice (like reflecting through a blog), don’t get discouraged.  Just hop right back in when you get the chance.

Well blog, it’s good to write with you again.  This entry for some reason reminds me of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.  There’s that quote by Ferris, “Life moves pretty fast.  If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.”  For those reading, look around once in awhile.  Don’t miss life.  :)

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